Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Foods that wake you up in the morning [last 4]

5. Soy
It contains compounds called isoflavones, which help clear the mind (and struggle with the loss of memory, too). Drink a glass of calcium-fortified soymilk, pour it over whole grain cereal or a bet, some sliced tofu in an omelet.

6. Ice water
Little frosty glass of H2O to get your blood pumping. In cold shock force your system to protect its normal temperature, which gives your metabolism a slight increase.

7. Coffee
But, of course! Caffeine helps alertness by wetting chemical called adenosine that otherwise block the energy activation of brain chemicals. As a result, you think faster, drive better and remember more. Just know your jitter threshold - I get too wired can undermine effectiveness.

8. If all else will not work
Post a tin of ginger theme Altoids, a few Red Hots, or a package of Listerine strips next to your alarm. When the buzzer is turned off, pop one or two of them in the mouth before pushing the snooze button. It is almost impossible to sleep in that "curiously strong" flavor to wake up your mouth!

In addition, facing the day - we all must, eventually - the real benefit of switching to the "on" in the morning is that your brain starts buzzing, absorbing the information and a sense of news. And life becomes a pupil can do as RealAge 2.5 years younger.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Foods that wake you up in the morning [first 4]

There are problems in the transition from dreams to realityville? Head to the kitchen. What you eat can help you be more alert, think more, it is clear that more energy, and even more creative, says Elizabeth Somer, RD, author of Food and mood. Assuming that you have clocked at least 7 hours of sleep, these products will get you focused and in a sense, as the morning person - even if you are absolutely wrong.

1. A spoonful of sweetness
A TAD of sugar in coffee or honey in smoothiestimulates release of acetylcholine, the brain chemical that contributes to memory. But do not overdo it or you will feel rather sleepy. Excess sweets may increase the level of serotonin in the sleep-inducing high.

2. A whole-wheat Bublik
Your brain Primo fuel glucose, the basic building block of carbohydrates. So, after fasting the night, your brain is on Red Alert for CARB to correct. But you do not need a lot - half of all wheat Bublik would increase the speed of your engine. So will a bowl of oatmeal. Pick your fave.

3. Liquid oxygen that Bublik
Salmon contains a fat known as DHA, which is 97% omega-3 fatty acids in the brain. You need to get a lot of mental decks cleared for action - part of the DHA is to carry away cellular waste products that make your brain feel sluggish.

4. Spicy V8
Hot food and amp up the blood flow, which is warming your engines. If your tomatoes are very acidic in the morning, toss in tablespoon peeled fresh ginger in hot tea or a cold smoothie on a similar rush.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

How to avoid double-dating disasters

Our friends are so cheap! They itemize everything they eat — down to the penny. What do we do?

If they're the type to haggle over the bill, suggest splitting it 50/50 but offer to pick up the tip if you think your order was pricier. You'll probably wind up spending more dough than you would have if you'd itemized, but it'll spare you the headache. Or suggest cheap eats like Mexican, Indian, or burgers. Better yet, have them over to your place for a free meal. How could they argue with that?

Two couples we introduced are making plans to go out without us. How do we not take it personally?

Ouch. But look at it objectively — maybe they live close to each other, are both Red Wings fans, or work in the same industry. While your instinct may be to reinsert yourself into the pack or make a comment about it, back off. Anything you say will sound like, "Waaah, you like them better than us!" and make you look jealous. Instead, seek out new friends so you won't care as much what those four are up to.

My guy really doesn't like my best friend. Is there anything I can do to help them get along?

You love her high-pitched squeal and the way she smells her food before she eats it. Your guy isn't as much of a fan. Normally, you'd say, "Well, he'll deal," but how can he when you're double-dating with her and her guy every other weekend? While he may never get the appeal of your friend, explain how good she is to you and how supportive she is of your relationship. When you do make plans with your BFF and her guy, let him decide the agenda. That way, he can at least enjoy the activity, even if he's not digging the company.

We hang out with this couple who always plays the comparison game. How do we not get competitive?

Chances are they're just looking for an excuse to brag. When they ask you about your home value or what you're planning for your anniversary, put it back on them. Say something like, "Oh, who wants to talk mortgages ... tell me about that great kitchen remodel of yours!" It's a hot-seat ejector. But if hanging out with them always makes you feel worse, cut them off, end of story.

My guy's buddy's wife is the most boring woman on earth. Help!

Hey, not everyone can be as fab as you are! No matter how boring this woman is, she's not going anywhere (sorry). Even the dullest people have interests, so ask her what she's into. If you still can't find common ground, bring up hot celeb gossip and ask for her opinion. At least you'll have 5 to 10 minutes out of the way!

My friend's husband is a little bizarre, and my guy can't stand him. How can I make double-dates smoother?

Simple: Minimize the chitchat. When couple friends get together (especially if the two women are friends and the guys are the obligated tagalongs), the girls wind up gabbing and ignoring the guys, who are then forced to talk to each other. But men aren't like women — they're physical, action-oriented and not likely to spend hours catching up over Chardonnay. So if you want the guys to get along, put them in an environment where there's little opportunity to talk. Really, they'll be fine! Suggest a football game, bowling, a concert — all activities that'll keep them busy and distracted.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Worst packaged foods lies [part3]

The Vitamin Vacuum

Kelloggs Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Pop-Tarts

The claim: “Good source of 7 vitamins and minerals”

The truth: Five of the 7 vitamins and minerals are derived from this product’s first ingredient—enriched flour. That’s the code word for “refined flour that’s had nutrients added to it after it’s been stripped of fiber.”

What you really want: A breakfast without the nutritional profile of a dessert. Studies show that people who opt for high-quality protein (eggs, yogurt) over refined carbohydrates (pancakes, bagels, Pop-Tarts) lose weight faster and maintain higher levels of energy throughout the day.

The All-Natural Disaster


The claim: “All Natural Flavors”

The truth: The FDA doesn’t have a definition for this claim. Case in point: 7UP now boasts that it’s made with 100 percent natural ingredients. That’s because they’ve switched from carbonated water to filtered water, from citric acid to natural citric acid, and from calcium disodium EDTA to natural potassium citrate. Got it? Here’s the kicker: The soft drink is still sweetened with high-fructose corn syrup, which can’t be made without the help of a centrifuge.

What you really want: A healthy choice, like lemon and seltzer. 7UP’s tactic is employed primarily by companies making junk food (see also: Natural Cheetos). Considering that the calorie counts are nearly always identical with their “unnatural” brethren (in the case of 7UP, calories and sugar counts are the exact same), concentrate on the bigger issues and find reliably healthy drinks and snacks.

The Cheeseless Cheese Pizza

Mama Celeste Original Pizza

The claim: “Original Pizza”

The truth: Ever had a pizza without cheese? Well, if you eat this one you will have, since Mama Celeste doesn’t use a single shred of real cheese in making this problematic pie. What does she use? Imitation mozzarella, which is the second ingredient on the list and is composed mostly of partially hydrogenated soybean oil, endowing each serving with 5 grams of nasty trans fats. Also watch out for the attachment of the word “flavored,” as in “strawberry-flavored”; it’s a surefire sign that the product is utterly fruitless.

What you really want: Cheese, strawberries, or whatever you think it is you’re getting. If the name or flavor in the food’s title isn’t one of the first few ingredients, find another product.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Worst packaged foods lies [part2]

The Hidden Trans-Fats

Cheetos Crunchy

The claim: “Zero gram trans fats”

The truth: FDA allows manufacturers to make this claim when their products contain less than 0.5 gram of trans fats per serving. It may seem insignificant, but 0.49 gram of this nefarious fat can add up quickly.

What you really want: Keep total trans-fat intake to no more than 1 percent of total calories—about 2.5 grams per day for most adults. That means reading the ingredients list (especially those that proclaim to be trans fat-free), and looking for “partially hydrogenated,” “shortening,” or “interesterified.” For a trans-fat cheat sheet, be sure to avoid any of the items on our list of the 10 trans-fattiest supermarket foods.

The Unnatural Fruit

Nutri-Grain Strawberry Cereal Bar

The claim: “Naturally and artificially flavored”

The truth: While the FDA requires manufacturers to disclose the use of artificial flavoring on the front of the box, the requirements for what is considered “natural” and “real” are not strict: Even trace amounts of the essence or extract of fruit counts as natural. So yes, there is fruit in this bar, but it falls third in the ingredients list, behind HFCS and corn syrup.

What you really want: An honest snack with nothing to hide. Lärabars, one of our favorite snacks in the aisle, are made with nothing more than dried fruit and nuts.

The "Health" Food That Isn't

Healthy Choice Sweet & Sour Chicken

The claim: “Healthy Choice”

The truth: A company can call itself whatever it wants, but that doesn’t give credence to the name. Healthy Choice even provides a handful of nutritional stats—430 calories, 9 grams fat, 600 milligrams sodium—to back up the name, but they neglect to mention the 29 grams of added sugars used in this dish. The 6 different sweeteners in the ingredient list combine to give this less-than-healthy choice almost the same amount of sugar as a Snickers bar. Many Healthy Choice selections are reliably nutritious; this is not one of them.

What you really want: Dinner that doesn’t taste like a bowl of ice cream. While fat and calories are important considerations in everything you eat, be sure to read the fine print. Companies with healthy label claims often pull the bait-and-switch, going low in fat but then elevating the sugar or sodium to up the flavor quotient.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Worst packaged foods lies [part1]

If you want to understand some of the food industry to take a walk through your grocery store candy aisle. There, on the labels of products such as Mike and Ike, and good and lot, you will find that, perhaps it is surprising claim: "The fat free." However, this is absolutely true of these empty-calorie junk food is almost 100 percent sugar and processed carbohydrates.

You see, the producers of food, you think stupid. In fact, their marketing strategies that rely on it. For example, it may be that the above-mentioned persons sweets hope you equate "fat free" with "healthy" or "not fattening"-so that you forget about everything on sugar, these products contain. This is a classic bait and switch.

And candy aisle is just the beginning. That is why Eat this, not! Supermarket Survival Guide Supermarket gave crack packaged food labeling codes and now you can ensure that you get exactly what you pay. Do not be fooled again by labels mislead!

The Organic Junk Food

Kraft Original Macaroni & Cheese

The claim: "USDA organic"

The truth: It’s organic, so it must be healthy, right? Not so much. For an extra 60 cents per box, consumers save 20 calories and 1 gram of fat. They also gain 2 grams of sugar, 1 gram of fiber, and 50 milligrams of sodium, and they lose 6 percent of their daily iron. The point is, even organic junk food is still junk food. Your body processes organic refined flour and powdered cheese the same way it does the conventional kind, so at the end of the day it’s still a high-calorie, low-nutrient letdown.

What you really want: If you must have mac, pick one with a label that reads like the recipe you’d use to fix it at home. Annie’s line of macaroni and cheese contains about 8 ingredients per box and cuts the fat by 72 percent over Kraft Organic. And to learn more about whether you should splurge or save when it comes to organic, check out "The Truth About Organic Food." In this economy, it’s important to know that you’re spending your money wisely. Sometimes, like in the case of this Organic Kraft Mac & Cheese, choosing the organic route may not always be the best use of your hard-earned cash.

The Fat Fake-Out

Smucker’s Reduced Fat Creamy Peanut Butter

The claim: “25 percent less fat than regular natural peanut butter”

The truth: Smucker’s has indeed removed some of the fat from the peanut butter, but they’ve replaced it with maltodextrin, a carbohydrate used as a cheap filler in many processed foods. This means you’re trading the healthy fat from peanuts for empty carbs, double the sugar, and a savings of a meager 10 calories.

What you really want: The real stuff: no oils, fillers, or added sugars. Just peanuts and salt. Smucker’s Natural fits the bill, as do many other peanut butters out there.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Tasty Cinco de Mayo drink recipes

Cinco de Mayo Cocktail Menu
On May 5, grab a piñata and your closest friends, because it's time to party Mexican-style. To properly celebrate America's favorite south-of-the-border holiday, we suggest mixing a variety of cocktails made from Mexico's most popular beverage export: tequila! This smooth liquor, made from the juice of the agave plant, is quite versatile and tastes fantastic with everything from fruit juice to ginger ale and salt.


1 ounce(s) Jose Cuervo Especial
3 ounce(s) Jose Cuervo Lime Margarita Mix
1 wedge(s) lime
1 teaspoon(s) salt


Rub rim of a chilled margarita glass with half a lime.
Dip into salt to coat.
In a shaker with ice, add José Cuervo Especial and José Cuervo Lime Margarita Mix.
Shake vigorously.
Strain into the margarita glass.
Garnish with lime wedge.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Is diet soda making you fat?

We talk a lot about "look what we have, but if you never have thought that you ate, but instead looked only what you drink, you probably could cut 450 calories a day in your life that almost one pound of fat is trimmed each week! This is a study at the University of North Carolina found. Americans now drink about 192 gallons of fluid per year, or about 2 liters a day. To put it in perspective, it is almost twice as many calories as we did 30 years ago.

When faced with a growing wave of calories from sweetened beverages, the first response: "Why not just drink diet soda?" Well, for several reasons. Eat this, not! did some research and discovered some hard truths for the low caloric value (and food free) drinks. History is not as clear as you suspect, and this may make you think twice the next time you're looking for a thirst-drinking.

Hard Truth # 1

Just because diet soda low in calories does not mean that it can not lead to an increase in weight.

It may be only 5 or fewer calories per serving, but emerging research shows that consumers sugary-tasting drinks, even if they are artificially sweetened, can lead to a high preference for sweetness in general. This means that the sweeter (and more calories), corn, bread, dessert-all. Given is 15 calories per teaspoon of sugar is not good news if you're watching your weight.

Hard Truth # 2

Guzzling these drinks throughout the day replaces healthy beverages like.

Diet soda is 100 percent of nutrient-free, and it is important to remember that all this is useless to occupy space fluid, which could be more healthy alternatives. On the positive side, it means you do not take in the equally non-nutritious, calorie and sugar packed options. But just as important to take an active drink good thing as it is to avoid this bad thing. Thus, one diet soda a day is fine, but if you Downing five or six cans, it means that you restrict your inbox healthy beverages, particularly water and tea, which is high in antioxidants.

In addition, a recent study from Johns Hopkins have found that limiting calorie liquid is a more effective way to lose weight than the restriction of calories from food. There is no place better than anything on the Elimination of our list of the 20 unhealthiest drink in America.

Hard Truth # 3

There remain some concerns over aspartame, the low-calorie chemical used to give a diet Sodas their flavor.

Aspartame 180 times sweeter than sugar, and some animal studies linked the consumption of high amounts of sugar with brain tumors and lymphomas in rodents. FDA argues that the sugar is safe, but reported side effects include dizziness, headache, diarrhea, memory loss and changes in mood. Check out our guide to 11 of the most controversial food additive in order to stack up as aspartame.

The bottom line is this: Do you diet soda is good, and it may simply be doing you harm. The best way to hydrate is drinking low-calorie, high-nutrient liquid and the selection of healthy alternatives, like the ones you can find in our list of 16 best drinks swaps.

Now that you have to hold your liquid assets, to modernize the entire grocery list to avoid the worst 13 "health" products in supermarkets.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Top 19 worst drive-thru foods in America :chapter 2

Arby’s Large Mozzarella Sticks
849 calories
56 g fat (26 g saturated fat)
2,730 mg sodium
Anything with as much saturated fat as a Triple Whopper should not be called a side. If it’s cheese you crave, order the French Dip ‘N Swiss or Hot Ham and Cheese Sandwich instead to save more than 500 calories.

Eat This Instead!
Martha’s Vineyard Salad
With Light Buttermilk Ranch Dressing
389 calories
14 g fat (5 g saturated)
923 mg sodium

McDonald's Large Triple Thick Chocolate Milkshake
1,160 calories
27 g fat (16 g saturated fat)
168 g sugar
510 mg sodium
You’d be better off eating two Quarter Pounders than sucking down one of these belt-breaking shakes. Steer clear of milkshakes at the Golden Arches. If you must have a frozen dessert, order a vanilla ice cream cone to save more than 1,000 calories. Make swaps like that every week and watch the pounds melt off!

Eat This Instead!
Vanilla Reduced-Fat Ice Cream Cone
150 calories
3.5 g fat (2 g saturated fat)
18 g sugars
60 mg sodium

Jack in the Box Bacon Cheddar Potato Wedges
720 calories
48 g fat (15 g saturated fat, 12 g trans fats)
1,360 mg sodium
48 g carbohydrates
You probably don’t need us to tell you that bacon, cheese, and fried potatoes are not a healthful trio. What's worse, though, is that Jack in the Box cooks in trans-fatty vegetable shortening, which has been linked to heart disease. It's no secret that French fries can ruin an otherwise sensible meal, but these things take destruction to another level entirely.

Eat This Instead!
Mozzarella Cheese Sticks (3)
240 calories
12 g fat (5 g saturated fat, 2 g trans fats)
420 mg sodium

Chick-fil-A Chick-n-Strips Salad with Buttermilk Ranch Dressing
800 calories
60 g fat (12 g saturated fat)
1,745 mg sodium
With 17 more grams of fat than Taco Bell’s Fiesta Taco Salad, this is the worst salad from any drive-thru. The dressing alone sets you back 42.5 grams of fat. Take a look at our list of the worst salads in America and see how this one compares.

Eat This Instead!
Chick-fil-A Southwest Chargrilled Salad with Fat-Free Honey Mustard Dressing
360 calories
8 g fat (3.5 g saturated fat)
1,170 mg sodium

Dairy Queen Large Strawberry CheeseQuake Blizzard
990 calories
39 g fat (24 g saturated fat)
114 g sugars
This creation combines ice cream, strawberry syrup, and hunks of cheesecake for a high-fat dairy dessert. If you’re set on a Blizzard, go bananas. A small Banana Split Blizzard has 7 fewer fat grams than the small Oreo, Cookie Dough, Peanut Butter Cup, or Strawberry CheeseQuake flavors. Or stray from the Blizzard and satisfy your sweet tooth with a small chocolate sundae to save major calories and fat.

Eat This Instead!
Small Chocolate Sundae
280 calories
7 g fat (4.5 g saturated fat)
42 g sugars

Burger King BIG FISH Sandwich with Tartar Sauce
640 calories
32 g fat (5 g saturated fat)
1,540 mg sodium

Fish is only healthy when it's not breaded and fried in partially hydrogenated oil. Here, the fry treatment translates into 7 grams of trans fats and 108 grams of carbohydrates.

Eat This Instead!
Whopper Jr. without mayo
and Garden Salad
365 calories
12 g fat (4.5 g saturated fat)
1,230 mg sodium

Hardee's Monster Thickburger
1,420 calories
108 g fat (43 g saturated fat)
2,770 mg sodium
230 mg cholesterol
This burger is called “Monster” for a reason. It’s got the caloric equivalent of almost 6 McDonald’s hamburgers, the saturated fat equivalent of 43 strips of Oscar Mayer bacon, and the sodium equivalent of 84 saltine crackers. You’ll satisfy nearly an entire day’s worth of calories in one sitting, so opt for the significantly less monstrous Low-Carb Thickburger, instead, and save 1,000 calories that you can allocate to more deserving and nutritious fare.

Eat This Instead!
Low Carb Thickburger
420 calories
32 g fat (12 g saturated fat)
1,010 mg sodium

Arby's Roast Turkey and Swiss Market Fresh Sandwich
708 calories
29 g fat (8 g saturated fat)
1,676 mg sodium
Avoid any sandwich made on honey wheat bread: Two slices contain a staggering 361 calories and 68 grams of carbs. Cut those in half by sticking to a sesame bun.

Eat This Instead!
Chicken Cordon Blue Sandwich (grilled)
488 calories
18 g fat (4 g saturated fat)
1,560 mg sodium

Jack in the Box Chipotle Chicken Ciabatta
690 calories
28 g fat (9 g saturated fat)
1,850 mg sodium
Unlike many other fast food restaurants that have made the shift away from trans fats, Jack in the Box's menu has a number of items with more than 5 grams of the stuff—and some with up to 13 grams of it! There’s no “safe” level of trans fats, but the recommendation is that you don’t eat more than 2 grams of the heart-harming junk per day. Add fries to this sandwich, and you’ll take in three and a half times your daily limit.

Eat This Instead!
Chicken Fajita Pita
300 calories
9 g fat (3.5 g saturated fat)
1,090 mg sodium

Carl’s Jr. Double Six Dollar Burger
with Medium Natural Cut Fries and 32 oz Coke
2,618 calories
144 g fat (51.5 g saturated fat)
2,892 mg sodium
Of all the gut-growing, heart-stopping, life-threatening burgers in the fast food world, there is none whose damage to your general well-being is as catastrophic as this. Consider these heart-stopping comparisons: This meal has the caloric equivalent of 13 Krispy Kreme Original Glazed Donuts; the saturated fat equivalent of 52 strips of bacon; and the salt equivalent of seven and a half large orders of McDonald’s French fries!

Eat This Instead!
Famous Star
with Side Salad with Low Fat Balsamic Dressing and 32 oz Iced Tea
685 calories
38 g fat (10.5 g saturated fat)
1,520 mg sodium

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Top 19 worst drive-thru foods in America :chapter 1

Time and money are two things Americans can’t afford to waste. So it’s not surprising (though slightly disappointing) that the drive-thru is considered one of the great inventions of all time. There’s even a study to prove it. In 2005 and 2006, researchers asked 600 adults and teens why they eat so much fast food. Three of the top four responses were it’s quick, easy, and affordable. Taste came in third, with only 69 percent of respondents listing flavor as a factor in their fast-food love.

Drive-thru foods may be convenient and easy on the wallet, but they’re loaded with unhealthy fats, added sugars, carbohydrates, and sodium. Translation: They’re no bargain when it comes to your health. But jam-packed schedules and a dismal economy make the occasional drive-thru meal a part of life. That’s why Eat This, Not That! studied the open-air menu boards and compiled a list of the worst items out there, plus better alternatives. Avoid these dietary land mines and save more than a few minutes and a couple bucks—how does up to 20 pounds in a year sound?

Worst drink
Sonic Minute Maid Cranberry Juice Slush (“Route 44”–extra large)
616 calories
165 g sugars

In its pure form, antioxidant-packed cranberry juice is a healthy choice. But this Cranberry Juice Slush comes with an asterisk next to the word “cranberry” on the Web site’s nutrition list. That’s probably because only 78 of the whopping 616 calories come from “cranberry flavor”—the rest of the bulk comes from the “slush.” Consider that a code word for sugar overload: the extra-large has the sugar equivalent of six packs of M&Ms. Check out our list of the 20 worst drinks in America to see other equally atrocious beverages.

Drink This Instead!
Cranberry Flavored Tea (medium)
42 calories
10 g sugar

Burger King Spicy Chick’n Crisp Sandwich
450 calories
30 g fat (5 g saturated fat)
810 mg sodium

Lean economic times make the value menu more appealing than ever. And that’s fine—most dollar menus have a few sensible items. But if you eat this sandwich often, saving a few bucks will quickly result in a surplus around your waistline.

Eat This Instead!
Whopper Jr. without mayo
290 calories
12 g fat (4.5 g saturated fat)
500 mg sodium

Taco Bell Grilled Stuft Beef Burrito
680 calories
30 g fat (10 g saturated fat)
2,120 mg sodium

Ditch this and order two grilled steak soft tacos (or any menu item) "fresco" style and the Bell boys will replace cheese and sauces with a chunky tomato salsa, helping to cut calories in half and fat by at least 25 percent.

Eat This Instead!
Two Grilled Steak Soft Tacos, Fresco Style
320 calories
9 g fat (3 g saturated fat)
1,100 mg sodium

Sonic Chicken Club TOASTER Sandwich
742 calories
46 g fat (11 g saturated, 0.5 g trans)
1,742 mg sodium
How can a chicken sandwich pack so much fat? Start with a fried chicken breast, add bacon, cheese, and mayo, and you're there. Add to that the sodium equivalent of 53 saltine crackers, and you’re looking at a serious dietary disaster. Ditch the chicken for beef and save 10 grams of fat.

Eat This Instead!
Sonic Burger with Mustard
540 calories
25 g fat (9 g saturated fat)
730 mg sodium

Hardee’s Big Chicken Filet Sandwich
800 calories
37 g fat (6 g saturated fat)
1,890 mg sodium
A general rule: Avoid sandwiches with words like “big” and “monster” in the name. Hardee’s Monster Thickburger is another example—it comes in at 1,420 calories, 108 grams of fat, and more saturated fat than you want in two days.

Eat This Instead!
Charbroiled BBQ Chicken Sandwich
415 calories
5 g fat (1 g saturated fat)
1,175 mg sodium

Arby’s Roast Beef and Swiss Market Fresh Sandwich
810 calories
42 g fat (13 g saturated fat)
1,780 mg sodium
The unwholesome trinity of mayo, Italian sub sauce, and processed Swiss cheese make this sandwich the clear loser in the battle of the beef. The Super Roast Beef replaces mayo with a low-cal spicy pepper sauce and totals 370 fewer calories.

Eat This Instead!
Super Roast Beef
440 calories
19 g fat (7 g saturated fat)
1,061 mg sodium

Burger King Kids Double Cheeseburger and Kids Fries with Small Coke
950 calories
42 g fat (17 g saturated fat, 4.5 g trans fats)
1,410 mg sodium
BK's dubious double burger earns the distinction of being the fattiest meal for an on-the-go kid, with nearly a day's worth of saturated fat for the average 8-year-old.

Eat This Instead!
4-piece Chicken Tenders with Strawberry-Flavored Applesauce and unlimited water
280 calories
11 g fat (3 g saturated fat)
440 mg sodium

Dairy Queen 6-Piece Chicken Strip Basket
1,270 calories
67 g fat (11 g saturated fat)
2,910 mg sodium
The strips deliver more grams of fat than four DQ Homestyle Burgers, and nearly 300 more calories than a Large Strawberry CheeseQuake Blizzard.

Eat This Instead!
Grilled Chicken Salad
with Fat-Free Italian Dressing
280 calories
11 g fat (5 g saturated)
1,550 mg sodium

Jack in the Box Sausage, Egg & Cheese Biscuit
740 calories
55 g fat (17 g saturated fat)
1,430 mg sodium
Skip biscuits at all costs. This one contains nearly a full day’s worth of saturated fat (check out the 8 worst restaurant breakfasts here). Instead try the Bacon Breakfast Jack—16 grams of protein makes it a surprisingly good way to start your day.

Eat This Instead!
Bacon Breakfast Jack
300 calories
14 g fat (5 g saturated fat)
730 mg sodium

Monday, March 9, 2009

Why men & women diet differently

1. Guys can just say "No" to solve the problem of food
Earlier this year, the Brookhaven National Laboratory conducted a study where they presented men and women of their preferred food, and then monitored their brain activity using positron emission tomography (PET) scans. Ladies, men fighting: they have managed to eradicate hunger and their desire to eat, while brain activity among women has shown that many have continued to claim their favorite foods, even after having learned to think of other thing. In other words, we call it "emotional eating," something that the coach and the American Dietetic Association says spokesman Jim White is a "battle" for his female clientele, but not humans. The guy must be too busy thinking about something else or nothing at all?

2. But they are silent when it comes to nutrition
When a woman decides to go on a diet, the first stop, it will probably make health went his groceries. But not for men, "said White. "With women, they are eager to learn," he says. "They seek nutrients, read food labels and focus on healthy cooking and healthy meals." The guys can take a page of this book to learn something or to do what White calls a "grocery store tour" to familiarize yourself with what is healthy and what is undesirable. Just because the chicken does not mean that it is healthy. If this confusion you head to the grocery store or ask a woman nearby.

3. They compete to lose
When you think of Curves, Weight Watchers or other programs for the women, they are all focused on promoting cooperation, holding hands and reaching targets within a group. For men, weight loss is a sport. "If I want to encourage a man to lose weight, I do competitively," said Dr. Robert Vogel, the author of a health plan "The Pritikin Edge." "It will build a friend, may lose more weight, while women will both agree to buy new clothes when they reach their goal. "His intuition is supported in research, where men have achieved better results in studies of incentive for women when they earned money for every pound lost. Sign up for this.

4. Guys do not care no more (but you knew that already)
Studies show that many men tend to food for reasons of health or health scares, rather than appearance. Women are more susceptible to food because of social pressures. Vogel advises the National Football League, and as such, sees many big-bellied, 300-pound offensive lineman to go through his office that are all happy with their size and that their employment is . A woman, on the reverse tends to be compared to its peers. "You never really see a woman of 300 pounds that is prideful about its weight," he said, adding that women "bear the burden of social ostracism." Ultimately, it is less stigmatizing to be overweight, if you're a guy. This means that men are less likely to be dissatisfied with their bodies and women are more likely to obsess about the number of the scale.

5. Muscles question
If both husband and wife began at the same gym regime, it is likely to lose more weight at first because he has more muscle mass. It is also more likely to attack a target of weight loss by exercise. White said that for men, gymnastics is a "business plan", as they begin to come from four to five times a week, "really pumping iron." So here's an area where women can take their index Hunks without throwing that "I want to be lean, not muscular" excuse. "The truth is, you can not lose weight and keep it out of an exercise without a plan, "says Vogel. And this, together with the counting calories thing is a rule system that applies to both sexes.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

best foods for your waist (2)

continue from last post...

Reorganization: couscous
Reach for: wheat or quinoa

It turns out that couscous has the same nutritional value as a white paste, like Penne or Rigatoni. The same amount of wheat, less calories, and three times to fill you up fiber. Quinoa is high in fiber, is a big plus, this source of protein (for a couple of pieces of chicken). Play around a variety of crops, or a wild black rice, Farro, or amaranth. You will see that you love It is much healthier than white rice or pasta.

Reorganization: meat of turkey
Reach for: Extra-lean ground sirloin

Surprising, is not it? If the label states that "the land of turkey, or turkey breast, you actually get a combination of white meat, dark meat, and even some skin in which all add up to 325 calories and 20 grams of fat for a 5 - ounce serving. Compare that to 95 percent lean ground beef, which has 240 calories and 10 grams of fat. Lean beef provides as a good helping of iron - almost five times more than Turkey.

Reorganization: Canned Chickpeas
Reach for: low sodium-red, black or white beans

Chickpeas are hidden: they, like beans, but with more fat and calories. Adding more to your salad well. But the main ingredient, try black, red or white beans, which have no fat, large amounts of protein, fewer calories and a lot of nutrients like zinc and folic acid. Canned beans have a lot of salt, so choose low-sodium variety.

Reorganization: Tricolor pasta
Reach for: whole wheat pasta

Many people remember about filling their dinner plates with colorful food, so they can choose Tricolor pasta instead of white. But there are almost no spinach, beets and other vegetables in each serving. In addition, fiber and iron content is identical to that in a simple white pasta - that is, less of these nutrients than whole wheat pasta. The best choice of colors for brown paste. Although they have similar charges calories, total wheat versions more fiber than white, so you recharge faster and eat less.

Reorganization: Banana chips
Reach for: Dried apricots

Talk about that food just sounds good health! Most deep-fried banana chips with 220 calories and 15 grams of fat in half a cup - yikes! The same amount of dried apricots, on the other hand, about 150 calories and less than 1 gram of fat (plus a load of vitamin A). Buy organic and you'll also avoid sulphites, which can cause migraines and even disrupt sleep.

Reorganization: goat cheese
Reach for: feta cheese

Both cheeses have a strong flavor, so the good news is, as a rule, you do not go overboard with the serving size. Greek salad is a staple good bet, but: It has about 4 grams of saturated fat in the serving, compared with 7 grams of goat cheese, and about 15 fewer calories per ounce.

Monday, February 23, 2009

best foods for your waist

Smart shoppers often get tripped up by seemingly healthy products which do not have enough vitamins and nutrients, and relatively high in calories and fat. To help keep your waistline in check with your food nutrition boost, Health magazine offers 10 compromises that at your next visit to the grocery store.

Reorganization: Grapes
Reach for: Raspberries

Although grapes heart healthy, they are very low in fiber and vitamins. Raspberries are a source of soluble fiber, which help reduce bad cholesterol and makes you feel full faster - good news for your waistline. Save money when buying frozen raspberries, which are out of season.

Reorganization: Beets
Reach for: Asparagus

Beets just look good, is not it? And they taste sweet (even sweeter if you roast them.) But there are reasons for this. Beets total sugar, sending your blood sugar glycemic slides. If blood sugar goes up and down, you are hungry faster, so you eat more frequently. It also leads you to store extra calories as fat. Smart alternative? Asparagus. Like beets, this is delicious grilled, but it has the advantage that much less sugar. Plus, the grass high in folic acid and vitamin C.

Reorganization: Vanilla soy milk
Reach for: skim milk

Vanilla soy milk dessert rather than substitute for milk or a good source of soy. If you're not lactose-intolerant to choose skim milk, which has a lot of calcium but not fat or sugar. (Even the plain soy milk a little more calories and fat than skim milk.) If you can not get out of vanilla-soy-milk habit, use a little coffee, but not in a big bowl of cereal or a smoothie.

Reorganization: Vitamin enriched water
Reach for: subject seltzer

One bottle of fortified vitamin water may have more sugar and calories than you can of cola! And vitamins are negligible compared to the amount of sugar you get. Replace it with a flavored seltzer (zero calories), or not-Cal taste of water (eg, tips), which contains no artificial sweeteners or added sugar.

to be continued..

Friday, February 6, 2009

Toum Raider: Garlic Delight

There is a wonderful Lebanese fast-food outpost in Hollywood, California, which, like a sweet siren song, invited me back to the west coast. Zankou Chicken, also known as the undisputed delicacy of his famous grilled chicken, and their surprising lack of atmosphere, is a sort of late night spot to go for those needing a review of poultry. However, in Zankou Chicken (as good as it is) would just be chicken, if not for the support of the Lebanese spicy garlic sauce simply called Touma. Unfortunately, life in New York, I am thousands of miles away from my next Zankou experience, but fortunately not too far from Touma.

Frieda's Garlic Delight is basically Touma, a shake of garlic spread with lemon juice, salt, canola oil, and yes ... lots of garlic. While it may seem a bit overwhelming for those who are intolerant to garlic, it is much less severe than what you expected and exceptionally versatile. Available in four flavors, including Sun dried tomatoes, chipotle, olive green and Original (only pure garlic) Garlic pleasure because it is a paste, could be used as a marinade or sufficiently dilute with a little olive oil to be used as a dressing or a light pasta sauce.

Made without preservatives, no dairy, no eggs, no gluten and, Garlic Delight is a simple, refreshing and minimal, and the vibrant flavor. Those of you who, like the kick of fresh garlic, without doubt, polish off a tub with nothing but a few crackers, crudités, or fingers (if nobody is watching). I thought we worked exceptionally well launched with steamed vegetables and a light paste marinade for grilled salmon. If allowed, Garlic Delight could easily become a refrigerator staple for use in many recipes, snack or just embarrassing.

Frieda's Garlic Delight is available in four flavors (Original, sun-dried tomato, olive green and chipotle) and are sold in 7-ounce tubes in the refrigerated section of select Foodtown, Shoprite, Stater Bros., Whole Foods Markets and online.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Meaning of Chinese Vegetable

Probably more food is consumed in the New Year celebrations than any other time of year. Large amounts of traditional food is prepared for family and friends, as well as close to us who have died.

New Year's Day, the Chinese family eats a vegetarian dish called JAI. Although the various components of JAI are root vegetables or fibrous vegetables, many people attribute various superstitious aspects to them

Lotus seed - signify having many male offspring

Ginkgo nut - represents silver ingots

Black moss seaweed - is a homonym for exceeding in wealth

Dried bean curd is another homonym for fulfillment of wealth and happiness

Bamboo shoots - is a term which sounds like "wishing that everything would be well"

Fresh bean curd or tofu is not included as it is white and unlucky for New Year as the color signifies death and misfortune.

Chinese New Year Foods

Chinese New Year season officially runs about two weeks, with the preparation of many days in advance. It is the most elaborate and important holiday in the Chinese calendar. Food plays a vital part in most of the festivities. The Chinese congratulate each other for having gone through another year and party together. Chinese New Year's Eve dinner is the most important family event of the year.

New Year's Eve dinner is usually a feast of seafood and sybolic filled. These include shrimp animation, dried oysters (ho xi) for all things good, raw fish salad (yu sheng) for good luck "fai-hai" an edible angel hair-like seaweed to prosperity fillings and cooked in water to retrieve a long lost goodwill of the family. Everyone wears red to ward off evil spirits and prevents black and white to represent death and mourning.

New Year's Day, Chinese families eat a vegetarian dish called "JAI. The various components are root vegetables or fibrous. These include the lotus seed = hope for many men offspring, ginkgo nut = hope silver, black moss seaweed = Pending wealth; dried tofu = expect more of the wealth and happiness, bamboo shoots = wishing all goes well .

The entire first week is for socializing. This is when the drive tray shared. The seventh New Year's Day is considered "Everyone's Birthday" as birthdays are not considered as important as turning a year old next to New Year. Noodles are eaten to promote longevity and raw fish for success.

Also on the seventh day, farmers are encouraged to display their products. These farmers make a drink from seven types of vegetables to celebrate.

In the tenth to twelfth days over New Year holiday with friends and family.

On the 13th, Chinese diet a little, on rice and mustard green to clean your digestive system after so much rich food.

The Lantern Festival parade on June 15 and ends on Chinese New Year.

See Cute Pictures about chinese new year 2009