Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Bread Glorious Bread

I love bread. I'd rank bread right up there with my love of pasta. Good bread is one of those things that is subjective of course. One persons idea of what good bread is probably is entirely dissimilar from what my idea of good bread is. Last year I went on a quest to make what I reconsider to be a good bread. My proper was that the bread had to be crusty, and it had to be chewy. It also had to have a flavor that was pleasing to the palate. Ok, that should be easy enough. But it isn't so easy when you come down to it. I looked in some of my books, and was left cold. None of what I saw inspired me at all.

I went to the Tassajara Bread Book which was written by the chief clergyman of the Zen center in San Francisco in 1970. Everybody should have this book. It's truly pretty good. The bread formula that I used works well and makes a substantial loaf of bread. The formula truly makes four full size loaves of bread. I used bread pans and the loaves look like sandwich bread you buy at the store. Only it tastes truly good and lasts much longer.

Food Recipe

It was good but not the good I wanted. So then I did a You Tube crusade for "How to make crusty, chewy bread". And I got all kinds of returns. The one I tried was the one where Mark Bittman the New York Times food writer does a enumerate at the Sullivan road Bakery, in Hells Kitchen, in Manhattan. The baker is Jim Leahy who is also the owner of the bakery. I tried this formula so many times and I never got the succeed they show in the video. If you notice one thing you should notice that the dough when they are dusting it with Bran Flour is not what you get when you use this recipe. There is no way you could cope the dough like that without adding flour and kneading it in.

So I decided to come up with my own recipe. Now I know that there have probably been countless other people that have done this same aggregate but for me it's mine. If you determine to use it you can claim it as your own also.

So here it goes:
Three cups of flour. Easy enough but wait! To properly quantum flour you need to fluff it up in the bag or bin before you can scoop it out and throw it in the bowl. You have to aerate the flour. Most expert bakers will quantum flour by weight so it's not a big deal to them. But if you don't have a scale this is the only way to accurately quantum your flour. A cup of flour weighs 4.5 ounces if fluffed up properly. So in a bowl you will want three cups of flour, or 13.5 ounces. Then add 1 teaspoon of yeast, 1 teaspoon of salt, 2 teaspoons of sugar and blend it all together. Simple.

I start by adding 1 1/2 cups of close to hot water and stirring it in with a long metal spoon. It will originate a not quite wet dough. It will leave flour in the bottom of the bowl and it will be a little stringy. I then add an further quarter of a cup of water to this and stir it with the spoon until it has picked up all the flour in the bowl. The dough will be quite sticky to the touch and make a mess if you put your hands in it. I then take a small handful of flour and dust the dough nearby the edges and top.

Next you will cover the bowl with a towel and let it sit on the counter or wherever until it rises to duplicate or more in volume. I usually wait two to three hours. Then dust the top of the dough and sides again with a fair estimate of flour because the flour from before is pretty much gone. Neat huh? With your finger tips push the dough down nearby the edges. If you don't use enough flour it will stick to your hands and make a mess. Then push it down in the middle a combine of times then dust it with more flour and cover with a towel again and let it rise to duplicate or so in volume. Someone else two to three hours. Or less if you prefer.

Once the dough doubles in volume, dust with flour, push down nearby the edge and grab the dough out of the bowl. It is still going to be somewhat sticky but with the flour you just used it shouldn't be too bad. Put it on a floured surface, dust with more flour and shape it into a loaf or whatever turns you on. I like the loaf. Place it on a sheet pan or whatever your going to bake it in or on. Cover with a towel and let it rise to about duplicate in size. When the bread has risen and the oven is hot, take a sharp knife or razor blade and slice the dough about a half inch deep the length of the loaf.

Heat the oven to 450 degrees, and slide the bread in to do it's thing for forty five minutes. When the timer goes off you will have a lovely golden brown loaf of crusty, chewy and very yummy bread. It takes no muscle power, and it is as quick and easy as most of my other recipes. I will often put the bread back in the oven after I have removed it from the sheet pan and as the oven cools down. I feel as though it gives the bread a little extra time to take off some of the moisture inside. Either it does or not I couldn't tell you. I am not a food chemist. When you take off the bread from the oven you are going to hear the snap, crackle and pop just like rice crispies as the bread cools down. It's neat to hear.

One caution. Once the bread is cooled to room climatic characteristic you are going to want to put it in a plastic bag. If you don't the crust will get truly hard and somewhat difficult to cut. Which is ok if you like that type of bread, and truly that is what this formula is for. A crusty, chewy bread that is simple, easy and delicious. And you will see that is exactly what you end up with using this recipe. Have fun and Enjoy!

To see the video I created succeed this link Crusty-Chewy Bread and you will see this and many other quick and easy recipes that whatever can do.


Bread Glorious Bread

Monday, May 28, 2012

Self-hypnosis For Stress-Slow the Juices and Relax Your Mind, Body and Spirit

A few weeks ago, I was feeling particularly overwhelmed with stress and anxiety. It seemed like anything that could go wrong, did go wrong. I felt like I was spinning out of control.

I happened to be writing a book on yoga and meditation at the time and came across a website that offered in downloadable mp3 hypnotic relaxation session. It cost me about $ 20 and it was the best $ 10 I have ever spent!

Food Techniques

There are plenty of places on the internet where you can get these downloadable sessions for a small fee. However, you can also practice self-hypnosis on your own.

You first need to find a quiet place where you can fully relax and listen to your inner voice. You shouldn't TRY to make something happen. Let your mind relax and listen. A large part of achieving thathypnotic state is to allow it to happen naturally.

Also, don't watch for certain signs or signals that you might be in a hypnotic state. We can guarantee that if you look for these signs, you won't be able to fully relax and gain the benefits of self-hypnosis.

There are lots of different ways to experience hypnosis. No two people will have exactly the same experience. In one respect, though, everyone has the same experience: the hypnotic state is always pleasant! There are no "bad trips" in hypnosis. Keep in mind that self-hypnosis is a skill, and that you will continue to get better at it and, as you do, it becomes ever more powerful.

It's a good idea to set up a schedule of practice, allowing yourself anywhere between 10 and 30 minutes, depending on how busy you areand how much time you have to spend at it. Practice during the best part of your day if you can and at a time when you are least likely to be disturbed by others. Most people find it best to practice lying down in a comfortable position, with as few distractions as possible. If you are bothered by noise while you practice you can try to mask out the noise with some other source of sound.

You can try stereo music in the background, or white noise if you like. If like most people you don't have a white noise generator, try tuning a radio receiver between stations. The static you get when you do that is similar to white noise. However this takes an older or cheaper FM receiver without a noise suppressor. Sometimes AM tuners can be used for this. This should just be in thebackground and not too loud to be distracting.

The basic divisions of a hypnotic induction are relaxation, deepening, suggestion application, and termination.

1. Relieving Your first job in the hypnotic induction is to slow the juices down and get yourself relaxed. But don't try to force your mind to relax (whatever that means)! If you get yourself physically relaxed, your mind will follow. Relaxation-really deep relaxation-is an ability that most people have either lost or never developed. Some people can do it quite easily, though. They just let go of their intra-group tensions and let every part of their body become limp and relaxed. If you are one of these people, begin your self-hypnosis practice by getting nicely relaxed. Take your time. This is not something youwant to rush. The time involved for the relaxation phase of your self-hypnosis induction can vary from half an hour to just a few seconds. It is an important part of the induction and should not be feel slighted. As you get better and your skill increases you will recognize deeply relaxed states, and you will be able to achieve them in a surprisingly short time. But as a beginner, take your time. It will be time well spent. A very popular method of deep relaxation is the Jacobson Progressive Relaxation procedure. This involves tensing each of the major muscle groups of your body (foot and lower leg on each side, upper leg and hip, abdomen, etc.). Tense the muscle group for a few seconds, then let go. 2. Deepening Procedures Once you have completed the relaxationphase of your self-hypnosis induction procedures, you can begin to deepen the relaxed state. At some time between the deep relaxation and the deepening procedures you will move into a hypnotic state. You probably won't know it, especially as a beginner, but it will happen sooner or later. One of the first hurdles a beginner must get over is the compulsion to "watch for it." That is, you will keep waiting for hypnosis to happen, for some change in your awareness or the way you feel that will say to you, "You're hypnotized." Watching for hypnosis will definitely get in your way if you don't get it out of your mind. Going into a hypnotic state is, in this respect, similar to going to sleep. If you try to catch yourself going to sleep-if you try to be aware of the precise instantin which you actually go to sleep-you are much less likely to go to sleep. "Watching" keeps you awake. In this same way you will not know when you go into a hypnotic state (but that won't be because you lost consciousness-you won't). Later, after you have been practicing regularly for a few weeks or a month or two, you'll be much more familiar with yourself and how it feels to be hypnotized. Does it take everyone weeks or even months to get into a good hypnotic state? Definitely not. Some people have an amazing experience the very first time they try it. Others might practice for several days, noticing nothing, then out of the blue they have one of those great induction sessions in which they know something stupendously good happened. But if you happen not to be one ofthese people, don't worry about it. Just keep practicing and you will eventually get there. One of the most popular procedures is deepening the count-down technique. Hollywood also likes this one. That is why you see it in so many movies. That and the swinging watch. To use the count-down technique you simply start counting downward from, say, 20 (or 100, or whatever). Adjust the countdown number to whatever feels right to you after you have practiced a few times. Imagine that you are drifting deeper with each count. Other images and thoughts will probably intrude themselves as you count. That is natural. Just gently brush them aside, continuing with your counting. The speed with which you count down should be natural; not too fast, not too slow. For most people this meanscounting at a rate of about one count for each two or three seconds. Do it at a rate that feels comfortable and relaxed to you. Some people like to tie the count with their breathing. As they drift deeper their breathing slows down, so their counting also slows down. Don't count out loud, just think your way down the count. You want to avoid as much physical involvement and movement as possible. 3. Suggestion self-hypnosis Application Once you have reached the end of your deepening procedures you are ready to apply suggestions. What you have done during the relaxation and deepening procedures is increase your suggestibility. That is, you have opened up your subconscious mind at least a little bit to receive your suggestions. This works because of the particularand peculiar, characteristics of the subconscious part of your mind. The most common and easiest way to apply suggestions is to have them worked out ahead of time, properly prepared and worded, and memorized. It should not be too difficult to remember them because they should be rather short and you are the one who composed them. If you have them ready and remembered, you can simply think your way through them at this point. Dialogue, monologue, or more properly is also okay. You just talk ("think" to keep your effort to a minimum) to yourself about what it is you want to do, be, become, whatever. Don't say "you." You are thinking to yourself, so use the first person personal pronoun "I." Some suggestions can be succinctly stated in a somewhat more formal sort of way, like "I ameating less and becoming more slender every day. " Elaborated suggestions are generally wordier and more of an ad lib: "Food is becoming less important to me every day and I am filling my time with more important and meaningful pursuits than eating. It is getting easier and easier to pass up desserts and other fattening foods ... "and so on. Generally speaking, the most effective kind of suggestion is image suggestion. Image suggestions usually do not use language at all. You can liken this to seeing yourself in a calm, relaxed state while in the midst of a chaotic situation. Actually see yourself in your mind's eye. Although people sometimes see immediate results from their suggestions, it is more likely to take a little time for them to kick in. So don't be impatient. On theother hand, if you have not begun to see some results within, say, a couple of weeks, you need to change your suggestions. 4. Once you have finished Termination applying suggestions you are through with your induction and you can terminate your session. You could just open your eyes, get up and go about your business, but that is not a good idea. You should formally identify the end of every session. By doing this you provide a clear boundary between the hypnotic state and your ordinary conscious awareness. A clear termination also prevents your self-hypnosis practice session from turning into a nap. If you want to take a nap, take a nap. But don't do it in a way that sleeping becomes associated with self-hypnosis practice. If you are practicing at bedtime anddon't care if you go on to sleep, that is okay. But still draw the line in your mind to indicate the end of your self-hypnosis session. To terminate the session, think to yourself that you are going to be fully awake and alert after you count up to, say, three. One, I am beginning to come out of it, moving toward a waking state. Two, I am becoming more alert, getting ready to wake up. Three, I am completely awake. " Something like that.

Self-hypnosis can work wonders when it is practiced on a regular basis. You'd be amazingly surprised at the level of relaxation you can get to. It's one of the best things I ever did for myself!

Self-hypnosis For Stress-Slow the Juices and Relax Your Mind, Body and Spirit

Saturday, May 26, 2012

How to Lose Weight-The One Golden Rule!


Yes, there are tons of programs and fad diets and pills advertised to help you lose weight, but the ONLY proven long-term and safe method is to burn more calories than you consume.

Food Techniques

You do this by reducing your caloric intake (eat less food or healthier food) or by increasing the amount of energy expenditure (exercise more). Techniques like eating smaller portions are can also be used to help control eating habits. Once you lose the weight, you can modified you plan a little bit to maintain your weight.


One pound of fat contains approximately 3.500 calories, so to lose one pound a week you have to eat fewer calories per week 3.500. So, 3.500 calories per week-you just need to reduce your daily intake by 500 calories today.

Of course physical activity also contributes significantly to weight loss, so a little exercise can be used as well. Between eating reduced calories and increased physical activity it's not that difficult to get to 500 calories a day.

Tips for reducing calories:

Avoid foods that are high in fat and sugar. Reduce how much alcohol you drink.

Tips for exercising:

Perform aerobic exercise for at least 30 minutes a day, 3 times a week. Increase physical activity by walking rather than driving. Climb stairs rather than using an elevator or escalator. Always talk to your health care provider before starting an exercise program.


To be successful at losing weight and keeping it off, here is a quick summary:

How to Lose Weight-The One Golden Rule!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Insulin-The Artificial Way To Control Diabetes

Insulin is used as a treatment for people who have Type I diabetes, .otherwise also known as Juvenile Diabetes. it is also used for those people who have Type II diabetes, but have not been able to control it by use of other drugs, or due to other factors.

There are different types of insulin, and several methods by which it is given to a diabetic patient.

Food Techniques

A long time ago, insulin was weaned from animals, and injected into the patient, who, often required multiple injections through the day. As always happens, patients started developing resistance to the insulin, thereby making it difficult for physicians to maintain blood glucose levels.

Human insulin was cloned, in 1977, with the aid of modern technology in the treatment of diabetes. The insulin used today ishuman insulin and has been found to be much more effective than the animal insulin.

With modern research techniques, today, insulin is administered in various doses, and in various ways. Insulin too is available in a variety.

Which insulin to use for which patient is something that physicians work on with their patients to find the right balance. Some require short acting insulin, while others may require intermediate, or full long lasting insulin. The key to this is finding the right glucose level for the patient.

There are three methods of using insulin, and each of it has its own characteristic; This is based on the onset, peak time, and the duration of the action of the insulin. Onset is the period taken by the insulin to reach the bloodstream, when not injected, andbegins its activity. Peak time period when the insulin is at maximum strength in the bloodstream, and duration is how long the insulin continues its work in reducing blood glucose level. It is particularly important to understand this process as it would be used differently for different patients.

An insulin, Humalog, is of the short acting type, and reaches its peak within an hour after insertion. Ultra lens, another insulin is long acting and peaks after as many as 18 hours.

Injecting insulin time and again into the bloodstream directly has its own perils. For instance some people develop allergies, or their body reacts in differing ways. In addition, if not properly sterilized and used properly, there is the danger of cross infection from the use of theinjection.

To overcome this problem, the scientific community came up with an insulin pump. A catheter is inserted into the patient's body at a convenient place, and insulin is pumped into the blood stream or the body through a pump. It is more convenient and also more effective. Using the pump, insulin can be given in three different ways. The Basal form of insulin is infused into the blood continuously. This is much more effective than injections as it is a catheter that remains under the skin and separates the insulin into three different types of insulin. Basal insulin is injected continuously. Bolus doses are administered to act on the carbohydrates consumed in food. Supplemental or corrective does can also be given. given to cover any carbohydrates consumed in a meal. Youcan also have correction doses or supplemental doses. Very effective especially if the blood sugar is high prior to the meal. The third is to give the long lasting insulin.

Since there are no pinpricks from the needle, the chances of allergies or supplemental abrasions or pain is no longer there when the pump is used.

Medical research still continues to search for a cure for diabetes, a major threat, not only in the US, but in countries like India as well. With DNA, RNA and Genome research reaching its peaks, it is expected that one day diabetes can be pinned down, and controlled by introducing genetic material that would make, issue and control insulin, eliminating the need for outside sources of healing.

Insulin-The Artificial Way To Control Diabetes

Monday, May 21, 2012

Juicing Book - learning Your Juicing Abc to Z

A good juicing book will go a long way toward helping you to make the most of your juicer. If you are a juicing newbie, it is reassuring to have passage to recipes and tips to get you started. If you are an old hand, discovering a fresh combination, or a spiced up new taste, will inspire you to experiment.

If you're eager to get down to the basics (and more!) of making salutary and yummy juices, take a look at a juicing book called "Ultimate Juicing: yummy Recipes For Over 125 Of The Best Fruit & Vegetable Juice Combinations" by Donna Pliner Rodnitzky.

Food Recipe

Great-tasting fruit and vegetable drinks are described in easy and fun recipes. Try Adam's Apple, Berry the Hatchet, The Beet Goes On, Grin and Carrot, Heard It through the Grapefruit, or any of the others in this inspiring collection.

Each formula in the juicing book is accompanied by a nutritional determination which guides you in establishment salutary drinks at home. This down-to-earth book avoids the temptation of making extravagant claims regarding the health and spiritual benefits of juicing.

In eight chapters Rodnitzky describes the nutritional value of fresh-made juices and permissible selection, preparation, and warehouse of produce. Juicer choice is also discussed without attempting to influence the reader regarding specific brands: the juicers are described purely in terms of their functionality.

Rodnitzky's juicing book also contains a farranging index which makes the book very useful for everyday use in the kitchen.

A book that homes in on the medical and therapeutic values of juicing is "The Juicing Bible" by Pat Crocker and Susan Eagles. The authors show how many ingredients found in your local grocery and health store can lead to improving a variety of health concerns with daily juicing.

If you believe juicing is a salutary alternative and want to learn how to make it part of your daily life, this book is designed to petition to you. It shows how juices, teas, bitters, and tonics can be made with easy recipes. You are likely to find references to many of your questions and concerns regarding a whole of ailments.

In the first section of this juicing book the authors list the properties and medical qualities of practically 100 herbs, fruits, and vegetables.

This is followed by a section listing 60 common ailments, and the recipes specifically aimed at providing relief for these conditions.

The final section contains more than 150 recipes, and gives details about the types of juices to focus on from season to season while the year.

Another enlightening juicing book is "Juicing for Life" by Cherie Calbom and Maureen B. Keane. If you are finding for meal-in-a-glass juicing, this book will show you how. Part One describes "The Basics" of juicing with excellent guidelines. It includes a useful set of "Juicing Tips".

The second part of the book deals with discrete disorders or ailments, and offers general recommendations regarding diet, nutrients, and useful juicing recipes.

Part Three offers diet plans, with suggestions for basic salutary eating, as well as many separate types of cleansing diets.

From the specialist of juicing, Jay Kordich, you have 'Juiceman's Power Of Juicing' available. Apart from recipes, this book will give you background about the advantage of juicing, the methods, and nutrition. It will also expound how common ailments can heighten with the use of fresh juice.

Also available is 'Jay Kordich's Live Foods - Live Bodies' by Jay and Linda Kordich. If you are finding for all Jay's secrets to longevity, you will find it in this book. The book covers topics such as the power of juice therapy, the significance of enzymes, the power of uncooked greens, and Jay's own inspiring story. Many tasty and tempting recipes are included.

These are just a sample of the many great books that are available. A juicing book will either focus on the tool you need and the methods involved in the process of juicing, or alternatively on recipes and the medical qualities of fruit and vegetables. The best books offer a combination of these, but you are likely to find something of value in any book you choose. Enjoy!

Juicing Book - learning Your Juicing Abc to Z

Friday, May 18, 2012

Parents Can prevent Childhood Obesity

As a parent you are most responsible for what and when your children eat. Kids have very dissimilar food requirements than do adults and, while it is undoubtedly true that both adults and kids benefit from a "good" diet, children's bodies are much more susceptible to changes in diet than are adults.

Generally, a wholesome equilibrium of food groups for children consists of 25% meat, 50% carbohydrates, and 25% fruits and vegetables. This isn't an absolute rule, many meals can consist of more of one and less of another without harm but it is an comprehensive goal. At the end of a normal week, if your kids have eaten about these percentages then you have done a great job parenting!

Food Recipe

I will say that it will be much easier both in terms of logistics and family harmony if you turn your eating habit to match what you are request of your children. When the whole family eats the same wholesome meals every person benefits.

Many children are very picky eaters and that can be a real problem. But there are not guaranties that being a parent is easy and you must rise to the occasion. You are the authority and, if necessary, you must issue an ultimatum about meals and what types of foods they eat. It may not be easy but it is for their benefit and they will thank you in years to come.

Your first ultimatum must be to ban sugary and fatty foods from your pantry. No more sugar laced cereals with toys inside and no more fatty after school treats. If you do have to have soda in the house it must be "diet" or "0" calories. The point here is to have only wholesome foods on hand.

If your kids are a bit older you aren't going to be able to prevent the occasional soda, candy bars, and fast foods but you can make your home a fat free zone. There is just no fancy to spend money on foods that have dinky or no nutritional value and lead heavily to childhood obesity.

A undoubtedly good way to ease the challenge of getting your kids to eat wholesome is to put the fruits and vegetables into smoothies. Smoothies are ordinarily very easy to make and are a lot of fun to eat. By using low or no fat ingredients along with either fresh or freezing fruits and vegetables smoothies furnish a very low calorie and low fat treat that undoubtedly replaces soft drinks and sugary cereals.

Parents Can prevent Childhood Obesity

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Top Five Healthiest Foods

Top ten lists abound. When it comes to food, however, I'm often dissatisfied with the top tens. These lists often don't comprise some of the most well researched salutary foods. Even if a food isn't a "super food", it may deserve a spot on the list.

Top ten lists typically comprise a food that is part of an entire type that deserves recognition. Broccoli makes the list. In reality, the family to which broccoli belongs should be included. I'm all about eating for condition and pleasure. What if you don't like broccoli? looking an equally salutary alternative you like is important.

Food Recipe

And many lists don't elucidate why a food is on it. What can these foods do for me? When population understand the "why," they are more likely to make the effort to comprise salutary foods.

The Top Ten Healthiest Foods To Eat Now: One straight through Five

Cruciferous (Brassica) vegetables

The cruciferous type includes broccoli, cauliflower, kale, chard, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, collard and mustard greens, turnips, bok choy, kohlrabi, rutabaga, horse radish, and a few other vegetables. Cruciferous veggies deserve the top because they are specialist detoxifiers.

The cells in our body, especially in the liver, have "detoxification factories" in them called enzymes. The factories constantly work to process the things that can damage the body.

Cruciferous vegetables can speed up enzyme processing of toxic compounds. They make the body a more productive detoxifier. Plus, cruciferous vegetables equilibrium hormones in a suitable way. This may cut risk of hormone-related cancers, such as breast and prostate cancers.


No matter the color or shape, you can't go wrong with berries. Blueberries often make the list, but don't forget about blackberries, strawberries, raspberries, and cranberries. All berries are loaded with anthocyanins (an-tho-sigh-ah-nins).

Anthocyanins limit cellular damage by blocking inflammation and oxidation in the body. This is key to preventing a host of chronic conditions along with heart disease, cancer, arthritis, diabetes, and chronic pain. Would you rather pop an ibuprofen tablet or eat a daily handful of juicy, delicious berries?


Unfortunately, apples often don't make the list, but they should. Want to shed a few pounds? Eat apples! Adding apples to your weight loss plan can help you eat less and lose more weight than if you didn't eat apples.

Apples comprise pectin, a soluble fiber that selectively lowers Ldl, or "bad," cholesterol. This improves the cholesterol ratio. Cholesterol ratio is more prominent than total cholesterol when it comes to heart disease risk.

Apple peels are rich in polyphenols (pahl-ee-fene-ols), along with one called quercetin (kwer-seh-tin). Quercetin is a potent antioxidant. It encourages damaged cells to die, lessening the chances they institute into cancer.


Nutrients in oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruit, and tangerines are anti-inflammatory and help maintain the integrity of the connective tissue in the joints. Got arthritis? You'll want to make citrus a quarterly part of your diet. Plus, the vitamin C in citrus is more indeed absorbed by the body than isolated vitamin C.

If you are eager to cut your chronic disease risk - and who isn't? - look no further. Citrus has a mind-boggling estimate of restorative actions in the body. Nutrients in citrus suppress new cancer formation, block carcinogenic (cancer-causing) compounds from reaching vulnerable cells, and transform carcinogens into less toxic substances.

Citrus flavonoids have anti-blood clotting, antioxidant, and pro-blood vessel relaxing actions. All of these lead to lower heart disease risk. And straight through their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant actions, citrus flavonoids appear to ward off degenerative brain diseases.

Green Tea

The latest studies show that green tea polyphenols rev up metabolism to aid weight loss, regardless of the caffeine content. This beverage also has been connected with reduced risk of everything from heart disease to osteoporosis and obesity.

Green tea has a duplicate advantage for battling obesity as well. It seems to promote body fat loss from the mid-section. This is the type of fat most intimately connected with metabolic syndrome and diabetes.

And for beating cancer, you can't beat green tea. Studies connect quarterly green tea consumption with reduced risk of many cancers, along with those of the breast, prostate, and ovary.

The Top Five Healthiest Foods

Monday, May 14, 2012

How to Grow 3 Inches Or More in Height Naturally? Most Amazing Tricks You Don't Want to Miss

Scared of pleasing drugs to increase your height? Don't worry; this article has brought natural ways of increasing almost 3-inches of your current height. But for that very reason, you must pay your attention and your efforts to comprehend all this stuff. Once you're well-versed into with this article, you need not to go for any medical specialist or surgeon.

Nature has blessed us with several risk-free techniques to bring improvements in our bodies; one among them is increase in our heights. Simply pursue the following tips-and you can bring about 3-inches of increase in your current height naturally.

Food Techniques

1-MAKE YOUR MIND TO DO EXERCISES ON DAILY BASIS. As far As the exercises are concerned, there are a lot of such exercises that can bring potential prone in yourelevation such as running, swimming, cycling, hanging and athletics. These exercises reduce additional fats from your body and increase rate of digestion that makes you look taller.

2-USE PURELY NATURAL DIET. Using purely natural food, which is enriched with proteins, carbohydrates and fiber, are for sure nice to get good results in the prone of height.

Purely natural diet may include fruits, vegetables and dairy products especially milk that can bring about considerable increase in your height. Ingestion of such things with a regular interval of time not only increases your digestion-ability but it also propels proper amount of nutrients to your muscles and bones that results in the enlargement of your height. Evasion of diabetic and oily stuff is howeverhelpful.

3-WORKS. The way of your sitting, standing and even walking also matters a lot in the growth of your height. Reduction of stress upon thorns is also a good technique in this respect. Similarly, you should keep your knees a higher comparative to your hips-in such a position that you stay flat. Also, avoid sessions on soft things like sofas, chairs or pillows.

4-PROPER REST & SLEEP. Having proper rest & sleep at the same time is a best tactic to cater with short height. Take good rest with proper sleep of about 8 hours each night. If possible, try to make your habit sleeping on floor or on a flat surface such as on a firm mattress.

How to Grow 3 Inches Or More in Height Naturally? Most Amazing Tricks You Don't Want to Miss

Friday, May 11, 2012

Anabolic Cooking Cookbook enumerate

Hey guys!

I wanted to write this minute description about Anabolic Cooking. If you searched up this article, you probably have an idea about what it is. I wanted to get into a minute more information about Anabolic Cooking.

Food Recipe

What is Anabolic Cooking?

Anabolic Cooking is a cookbook made by bodybuilder Dave Ruel. Dave had an challenging idea. He found that there was a big question with "good tasting" food specifically for bodybuilding. So he set out to generate this huge recipe book to solve that problem. What he did was test over 400 dissimilar recipes and he came out with the best 200! And he put all 200 of these recipes into his cookbook!

What's good about Anabolic Cooking?

There is mostly good than bad. I'll highlight what I think is important. Firstly, and the biggest thing is, the food is de facto delicious. This was Dave's biggest goal. To supply delicious and nutritious food for bodybuilders. It without fail delivers here. Second, there are 200 recipes!! yikes! That's awesome, because he offers a lot of variety. Therefore you can flip straight through the book and conclude what you want to eat. The food is also de facto nutritious and does what it was intended to do, supply delicious and nutritious food for the body builder!

The Not So Good?

Well, not a lot. Two things though. Firstly, there are not many pictures in the book. I think a lot of good recipe books have nice pictures in them, especially for the visually challenged like myself. However, clear instructions on how to prepare the meals are present, and all the ingredients are nicely laid out.

Secondly, I think for a cookbook, 47 dollars (Price of Anabolic Cooking) is a bit on the high end. I guess you can say it is a specific cookbook designed specifically for bodybuilders. But Isn't most book directed at sure people? While it is a minute more costly than most books, I would say the range and deliciousness of the food makes it worth while.

Final Thoughts

There are many types of body construction nutritional guides and cookbooks out there. I haven't tried them all, but this one is one I de facto like for the reasons I listed above. Regardless if you chose this one or not, it's very foremost to feed your body properly and the right way so you can grow and maximize your gains. Good luck with everything!

Anabolic Cooking Cookbook enumerate

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Basics Of Cooking Truffles

Except for the truth that truffles are unusual, oppressive and slow to harvest, truffles in expanding provide a brittle and earthly flavour which makes it a jewel in the culinary world. And a jewel comes with a price. A pound ordinarily costs from hundreds or thousands of dollars. But the culinary touch and satisfaction that one gets from them is truly worth it.

Make clear to take off all dirt on the truffle before eating. Wash it with water and brush it lightly. There are truffle brushes which are intended to take off mold and dirt. Soft truffles like the Italian white are best left un-brushed.

Food Recipe

Truffles should be depleted immediately after harvest. Although, it could lat for a few days settled in a refrigerator, it should be ideally used as soon as possible. When storing truffles in the refrigerator, avoid retention them in plastic containers because they need air. Keep them in paper bags. You could place them inside jars and shop them in the freezer. You could indeed infuse the truffles in oil to maintain them.

When cooking with truffles, there are lots of directives in order to enhance or enhance the flavour.

* Keep the flavour of the truffle as the middle of the dish. Do not overpower it with food with strong flavours.

* Fats like butter, oil and even cheese could publish the flavour of the mushroom.

* To publish the flavour of the truffle more, limit the estimate to 8-10 grams of truffle per person. Shave or slice the fungi utilizing the truffle shaver.

* If you peeled the mushroom, keep it. You could use it in other recipes.

* Preserved truffles don't have the same level of flavour as the fresh one. To enhance it, you could conduce truffle infused oil or paste on the recipe.

As reported by Davidoff Café there are tested culinary matches for each assortment of truffle.

* Italian white truffles go great with pasta, eggs, butter, cream, chicken, walnuts, risotto and mildly bitter greens. This sort of ruffle is best when shaved raw and uncooked. They might be add at the last minute, so that the heat from cooking wouldn't destroy the odor of the fungi.

* Black French truffles go together with dark meat poultry like ducks and venison, red meet and red wine sauces. They also blend well with mild cheeses like sweet goat cheese, pastry and pancetta. Unlike the Italian white, they ought to simmer slowly along with the dish.

* Oregon white truffles are very much like the Italian white, it is white and juicy. They're very versatile. It could complement the sorts of dishes listed in the Italian white. It might be used both raw or cooked along with the sauce or the dish. Although, do not simmer it as long as you would do with the black French truffle.

You could do uncomplicated but sensational dishes. Try crumbling truffles on a scrambled eggs or add shaved pieces on a risotto. With truffles, you just need top take into observation that small amounts originate big results.

The Basics Of Cooking Truffles

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Online Art Schools-Effective Or Not?

I hate this trend of living nearly every facet of life in virtual reality. If not for the demand for graphics in cyber-existence, online art schools would almost be an oxymoron. Art necessitates an exchange of energy; a sensitivity to vibration that is often lost in a virtual world.

I live on a farm and work the land with my hands. My daughter plays FarmVille on Facebook. The energy I get from getting my hands dirty is totally lost on her. The only energy she experiences is the energy leaving through her solar plexus as she milks her computer screen online cows with a mouse.

Food Techniques

Yes, I know. I've heard the stories, too. A healer will send a vibrational remedy though email and the recipient somehow reaps a benefit from it. I won't say its bunk, but perhaps the benefit issimply in the believing. On the other hand, what do I know? It just seems to me that a field as visual and sensory oriented as art should be experienced in a collective energetic environment.

So, what is art? Well other than being one of the stupidest questions ever posed-basically, one man's junk is another man's treasure-if I were to answer it, I guess I'd have to steal the line from Jef i. Richards: "... we can't seem to define it, but we know it when we see it." I like to think that at least some element of art involves personal interaction with someone or something (other than a computer screen.)

Art Institute of Pittsburgh is probably the most famous of the online art schools. They offer course studies in just about every facet of graphic and design work, as well asculinary arts.

I am curious, though-what would online culinary school look like? I mean, shouldn't someone with a really well developed pallets taste your actual food to see if you have a well-developed pallets, too? Shouldn't someone be critiquing your plating and cracks flipping techniques? I wonder what Gordon Ramsey would say? Whatever it is, I'm sure at least half of it would be bleeped out.

I did find one online art school that's free. If you're toying with the idea of a secluded non-interactive art school experience, it might be worth doing just as a dry run. It's not nearly as flashy looking as say the The site, but I can see it being a good barometer for whether online art schools are something you should be considering paying for or not.

Perhaps my animosity forthings virtual is a response to the ever-increasing non-sterile, impersonal spiritual direction that humanity seems to be heading in. Art for me is one of the last bastions of freedom and intrinsic connection with the earth and with people. Disconnecting just doesn't seem the right direction to be going.

While it's feasible I suppose to learn at least the fundamentals of design, color, and composition online, you still can't beat being face to face with a true master. And that's something online art schools just can't deliver.

Online Art Schools-Effective Or Not?

Friday, May 4, 2012

Beating the Diet Plateau

The dreaded diet plateau! Enough to cause a grown man to shudder and go running for the Cheetos. See if the following scenario sounds familiar. You are moving along, dropping weight, feeling good. You have scrimped and starved and deprived yourself for weeks.

The moment of truth arrives and you step on the scale, thinking you are going to see some kind of fantastic result-when horrors-things come to a screeching halt! The scale has not budged. Don't be alarmed, it happens to the best of us. My friend, you have reached what weight loss vernacular is called the dreaded diet plateau.

Food Techniques

Don't fear. Like I said these plateaus can happen to the best of us. Nothing is as frustrating as reaching a holding pattern after all your hard-earned efforts. Especially,for the very reason that you are not cheating, you are doing everything right and are still stuck and not losing.

How do these plateaus occur in the first place, and more importantly how can they be overcome and conquered? The good news it that yes, these sticking points can be overcome with some extra determination and persistence. The bad news is that when you get stuck in your weight loss it can be daunting.

Feeling stuck and not seeing the scale budge is the point where many less tenacious people will give up and abandon their food plans. So, the purpose of this article is to get you past the hump and get you hurdle and steam-rolling down the fast track of success again.

So why does this happen in the first place? There are many reasons. The first one ismetabolism. Eventually the body becomes familiar with the current diet and exercise routine. Just like a long-term marriage. Initially the honeymoon phase is fun and exciting, but after awhile, you become accustomed to one another and no longer have the same spark, you have settled into familiarity. The same thing happens with your metabolism.

Initially, the fat burning mechanisms in the body are super-charged and ramped up, and the weight drops off with the new diet. Eventually though, the body realizes it is being deprived, so it compensates for the reduced caloric intake and readjusts it's internal set-point. This is an intrinsic response system in the body that was designed for species survival in order to conserve energy.

This natural regulatory system is why manyexperts recommend to not go below 1000 calories per day and advocate against extremely low calorie diets. Eventually the body will slow down it's metabolism to compensate, and even though caloric intake is minimal the weight loss will be too.

Another reason a person can reach a diet plateau is due to hormonal and water weight fluctuations. Women of menstruating age are especially prone to this and can hold onto or even gain up to five pounds of water weight prior to their menses. This makes it very frustrating when you have lost only five pounds in three weeks and then right before your period gain them all back! The weight gain and bloating is only temporary but can still be extremely disheartening.

Certain medications can also sometimes be a culprit. Many hormones,antidepressants, birth control pills, and anti-psychotics are notorious for causing weight gain or hindering weight loss results. Check with your doctor or pharmacist to see if the pills you are taking are keeping you fat.

The fourth reason people sometimes get stuck in their weight loss is just plain boredom! The same old diet, the same old exercise routine, day in and day out. Eventually, some of the old habits can come creeping back in. Maybe you are not as diligent as you were initially or you have possible to cut some corners.

So how does one beat the dreaded dieter's dilemma of reaching a plateau?

1. Shake it up). You have to trick your body and your metabolism to get it fired up again. You can do this a couple of different ways. You can change your foodplan. Cut back on your caloric intake slightly or switch to a low-carb diet for a day or two. Maybe try the good old hard-boiled eggs and grapefruit. Eat only fruit for a day. Whatever you want that appeals to you. The point is to switch things around a little bit to shake up your metabolism.

2.) Cut back your salt intake. Salt can be a huge culprit in water retention. Check labels, watch for hidden sodium in canned foods, especially condiments, soups, etc. Use herbal seasonings instead of the salt shaker. Sometimes just limiting your sodium intake will mean the difference of several pounds.

3). Rev up your metabolism. Get moving more! Do something different than your usual exercise routine to trick your body into submission. Eventually Your body adjuststo any exercise you do and then goes into auto-pilot. So what initially worked for you may stop working.
So the key here is to do something different. Lift some weights. Ride a bike. Add fifteen to thirty minutes more to your daily walk, and increase your pace. Take a spin class. Take up kick-boxing. Pop in a new workout DVD. The point is to do something different and make sure you break a sweat.

4). This last trick is the most unconventional but can also work. This is a last ditch effort for when you have pulled out all the stops and the stairs isn't budging. It is time to pull out the big guns! Go OFF your diet! Yes, you read correctly. Go off your diet.

Now I didn't say go crazy and binge. However, when all else fails, like I said, you have to trick yourbody. If you have completely stuck to your diet and have been following your previously successful diet to a tee, sometimes you just need to fool your body.

What you effectively accomplish by going off your diet and increasing your caloric intake for a day or
two, is that you will trick your body into thinking is has more calories to burn and it will adjust to fire up the metabolism, and get out of conservation mode.

Though this route is contrary to most conventional wisdom, by going off your diet for just a day or two you can reset your metabolism to a higher level. When you resume your previous again meal plan, your fat-burning furnace will be stoked up and again the weight will begin coming off easily.

Hope these tips and techniques helped you in going fromyour diet plateau to the slender self you are striving for.

by Lisa Goldsmith-RN

Beating the Diet Plateau

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

How to Prevent Hair Loss Naturally

You have probably heard the numerous ways to prevent hair loss, and most of these are purchasing products filled with chemicals and man made products that will ultimately harm and possibly damage your hair. While everyone's hair is different, following simple steps will help prevent hair loss naturally and cost effectively.

1. Purchase an all natural and high quality hair growth product. If you are able to find a good quality organic shampoos and or hair growth product that is the way to go. Organic can be costly, but with all natural ingredients, you are doing your hair a good service.

Food Techniques

2. Engage in a healthy, hair growth promoting diet. Your hair is mostly made up of protein and you need to keep high enough amounts of it in what you consume in order to have healthy,full hair and prevent hair loss.

3. One of the most important steps to help your hair is drinking eight to ten glasses of water every day. Your body is made up of 75% water, and if your body is healthy, then your mane will be too.

4. Your hair care products, including styling products may be harming your tresses. Most of these products include chemicals that are not recommended for use on your hair. How you style your mane and many techniques you use may also have an adverse effect on your locks.

5. Your lifestyle may be affecting your growth and even contributing to hair loss. If you aren't getting enough sleep, or have too much stress in your life, you could be damaging your mane

6. You may not realize it, but if you eat too much sugar, junk food and consume foodwith excess fat, you are inhibiting your hair growth. Also, if you consume alcohol on a regular basis, this may also affect the growth of your mane

7. Change where you buy your hair care products. Most people buy their hair care products from drugstores and grocery stores, and these mostly contain chemicals such as Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate, Phosphates, and Sodium Lauryl Sulfate. These chemicals actually strip your tresses of natural nutrients and dry the follicle.

8. Give your head a massage, thereby increasing blood flow to the scalp and helping to prevent hair loss. Shampoo and condition your hair at least once a day using a good quality shampoo like Mira herbals shampoo.

9. Finally add prenatal vitamins to your diet regime and/or a multivitamin will workwonders.

And there you have it eight simple methods that will help you stop hair loss and regrow your mane

How to Prevent Hair Loss Naturally