Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Top Five Healthiest Foods

Top ten lists abound. When it comes to food, however, I'm often dissatisfied with the top tens. These lists often don't comprise some of the most well researched salutary foods. Even if a food isn't a "super food", it may deserve a spot on the list.

Top ten lists typically comprise a food that is part of an entire type that deserves recognition. Broccoli makes the list. In reality, the family to which broccoli belongs should be included. I'm all about eating for condition and pleasure. What if you don't like broccoli? looking an equally salutary alternative you like is important.

Food Recipe

And many lists don't elucidate why a food is on it. What can these foods do for me? When population understand the "why," they are more likely to make the effort to comprise salutary foods.

The Top Ten Healthiest Foods To Eat Now: One straight through Five

Cruciferous (Brassica) vegetables

The cruciferous type includes broccoli, cauliflower, kale, chard, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, collard and mustard greens, turnips, bok choy, kohlrabi, rutabaga, horse radish, and a few other vegetables. Cruciferous veggies deserve the top because they are specialist detoxifiers.

The cells in our body, especially in the liver, have "detoxification factories" in them called enzymes. The factories constantly work to process the things that can damage the body.

Cruciferous vegetables can speed up enzyme processing of toxic compounds. They make the body a more productive detoxifier. Plus, cruciferous vegetables equilibrium hormones in a suitable way. This may cut risk of hormone-related cancers, such as breast and prostate cancers.


No matter the color or shape, you can't go wrong with berries. Blueberries often make the list, but don't forget about blackberries, strawberries, raspberries, and cranberries. All berries are loaded with anthocyanins (an-tho-sigh-ah-nins).

Anthocyanins limit cellular damage by blocking inflammation and oxidation in the body. This is key to preventing a host of chronic conditions along with heart disease, cancer, arthritis, diabetes, and chronic pain. Would you rather pop an ibuprofen tablet or eat a daily handful of juicy, delicious berries?


Unfortunately, apples often don't make the list, but they should. Want to shed a few pounds? Eat apples! Adding apples to your weight loss plan can help you eat less and lose more weight than if you didn't eat apples.

Apples comprise pectin, a soluble fiber that selectively lowers Ldl, or "bad," cholesterol. This improves the cholesterol ratio. Cholesterol ratio is more prominent than total cholesterol when it comes to heart disease risk.

Apple peels are rich in polyphenols (pahl-ee-fene-ols), along with one called quercetin (kwer-seh-tin). Quercetin is a potent antioxidant. It encourages damaged cells to die, lessening the chances they institute into cancer.


Nutrients in oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruit, and tangerines are anti-inflammatory and help maintain the integrity of the connective tissue in the joints. Got arthritis? You'll want to make citrus a quarterly part of your diet. Plus, the vitamin C in citrus is more indeed absorbed by the body than isolated vitamin C.

If you are eager to cut your chronic disease risk - and who isn't? - look no further. Citrus has a mind-boggling estimate of restorative actions in the body. Nutrients in citrus suppress new cancer formation, block carcinogenic (cancer-causing) compounds from reaching vulnerable cells, and transform carcinogens into less toxic substances.

Citrus flavonoids have anti-blood clotting, antioxidant, and pro-blood vessel relaxing actions. All of these lead to lower heart disease risk. And straight through their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant actions, citrus flavonoids appear to ward off degenerative brain diseases.

Green Tea

The latest studies show that green tea polyphenols rev up metabolism to aid weight loss, regardless of the caffeine content. This beverage also has been connected with reduced risk of everything from heart disease to osteoporosis and obesity.

Green tea has a duplicate advantage for battling obesity as well. It seems to promote body fat loss from the mid-section. This is the type of fat most intimately connected with metabolic syndrome and diabetes.

And for beating cancer, you can't beat green tea. Studies connect quarterly green tea consumption with reduced risk of many cancers, along with those of the breast, prostate, and ovary.

The Top Five Healthiest Foods

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