Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Natural throbbing head ill Remedies That indeed Work

When you have a throbbing head headache, you no ifs ands or buts know it. That blinding, pounding pain in your head, your eyes, or your entire head and all the symptoms that go with it. As a throbbing head sufferer myself, I know exactly what it feels like. Migraines don't just go away with over the counter medication, you need extra throbbing head medication and a dark room with ice on your head to get rid of these headaches. But, aren't you tired of wasting the whole day trying to get rid of your throbbing head headaches?

People who have not experienced a throbbing head ill often allowance the pain experienced with one of these types of headaches. They may think the sufferer is being overly dramatic or is faking the pain. These headaches are real and they can be quite severe and sometimes do not go away with medication. Why not try a natural remedy?

Food Recipe

Natural or home remedies are those that are made at home from natural ingredients. They have many unavoidable attributes. They are simple, have no side effects, no chemicals, they are inexpensive, and they give you the capability to let you heal yourself.

Fresh Grape Juice

One natural remedy for throbbing head headaches is the juice of fresh grapes, which can ease throbbing head pain. What you do is you grind the juice out of the grapes and don't add any water, and you just drink the juice. I know it sounds strange, but try it - it works!


Niacin has been proven to help ease throbbing head pain. It can be found in the following foods: yeast, whole wheat, green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, nuts, sunflower seeds, liver, and fish. I also take a vitamin supplement of 100 mg a day for throbbing head treatment.


The scents that are known to help with migraines are lavender, peppermint, sandalwood, eucalyptus, and rosemary. You can rub any of these onto your temples or blend any of them together and rub them on your temples. You can also put a couple of drops into a bath. The scents will relax you almost immediately. Breathe deeply and you may pick to do some breathing exercises along with this to help you to relax.

Lemon Crust

Lemon crust has been known to cure throbbing head headaches. Grind the lemon crust and make it into a paste. Apply the paste onto the forehead. This is very efficient to ease throbbing head headaches in a significant whole of people.

Vegetable Juices

Carrot juice combined with spinach, beet, and cucumber juices work well for throbbing head headaches. Try the following two recipes for throbbing head relief:

1. Mix 200 ml. Of spinach juice with 300 ml. Of carrot juice.
2. Mix 100 ml. Each of beet and cucumber juices with 300 ml. Of carrot juice.

Peppermint Tea

This is something that helps my migraines. I make a cup of peppermint tea with a puny honey in it and it does help ease my migraines a puny bit. I hope that it helps you also.

Migraine headaches influence separate habitancy in separate ways and natural remedies will also influence habitancy differently. They may or may not work for you, but give them a try. I no ifs ands or buts hope that at least one of the natural remedies for throbbing head headaches that I suggested here will help you with your migraines.

Natural throbbing head ill Remedies That indeed Work

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