Sunday, April 29, 2012

Ayurveda & Natural Health-Recipe For Healing Sciatica

Ayurveda is based on the principles of the Five Elements: ether, air, fire, water, and earth. Ayurveda maintains that the intricate and delicate balance of these elements, within all living things, is the key to health, vitality, and longevity. When one of these elements falls out of balance for an extended period of time, illness and disease will eventually occur. By restoring the balance one can heal chronic illness, pain, and stress.

Each person has their own unique blend of the five elements in their body-mind, constitution, or "doshas" as it is called in Ayurveda. One's constitution (prakruti) is determined by the predominance of these elements. A person with a primary vata constitution has a predominance of ether (space), and air. This makes the primary force for vatamanifesting and moving the symptoms of pain and illness in the body. Like a gust of wind vata (air), an imbalance will spread quickly within the body. When Vata is out of balance it will easily create a disturbance in our central nervous systems. This is a favorite transportation system for nerve impulses travel vata as instantly. In an attempt to restore balance vata tries to quickly distribute the congestion or blockage. Its other favorite system for dispersing imbalance is the digestive tract.

In Ayurveda every dosha has a "home" or seat, as it is called. The seat of vata is in the colon. So it is not surprising to find that vata imbalances start in the colon and easily move to the low back. From there the travels along the imbalance plugs via the nerve routes, often creating thesymptoms of nerve pain and numbness in the legs.

The frontline approach for relieving sciatica and back pain is to restore balance to vata dosha. This can be done by:

Food Techniques

following a vata-pacifying meal plan, including warm, moist foods. Avoid drying foods.

following a vata-balancing daily routines, including early to bed and early to rise.

-learning how to do an ayurveda daily self-massage called Abhyanga. (Just doing this one technique has helped thousands of clients reverse chronic pain permanently).

-following a seasonal ayurveda Panchakarma cleansing plan called, to remove toxins that have built up in the colon and central nervous system.

-getting plenty of rest and relaxation; vata tends to suffer from excess mental chatter. Explore membersand techniques such as meditation and guided relaxation to provide a sense of peaceful calm and grounding, and a good nights sleep.

-anti-inflammatory foods encorporating like fresh ground ginger and turmeric into your daily recipes.

These may seem too simple to be effective but when practiced rules them can completely reverse back pain and sciatica with out surgery or the unwanted side effects of narcotic and prescription drugs.

Ayurveda & Natural Health-Recipe For Healing Sciatica

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