Sunday, April 29, 2012

Ayurveda & Natural Health-Recipe For Healing Sciatica

Ayurveda is based on the principles of the Five Elements: ether, air, fire, water, and earth. Ayurveda maintains that the intricate and delicate balance of these elements, within all living things, is the key to health, vitality, and longevity. When one of these elements falls out of balance for an extended period of time, illness and disease will eventually occur. By restoring the balance one can heal chronic illness, pain, and stress.

Each person has their own unique blend of the five elements in their body-mind, constitution, or "doshas" as it is called in Ayurveda. One's constitution (prakruti) is determined by the predominance of these elements. A person with a primary vata constitution has a predominance of ether (space), and air. This makes the primary force for vatamanifesting and moving the symptoms of pain and illness in the body. Like a gust of wind vata (air), an imbalance will spread quickly within the body. When Vata is out of balance it will easily create a disturbance in our central nervous systems. This is a favorite transportation system for nerve impulses travel vata as instantly. In an attempt to restore balance vata tries to quickly distribute the congestion or blockage. Its other favorite system for dispersing imbalance is the digestive tract.

In Ayurveda every dosha has a "home" or seat, as it is called. The seat of vata is in the colon. So it is not surprising to find that vata imbalances start in the colon and easily move to the low back. From there the travels along the imbalance plugs via the nerve routes, often creating thesymptoms of nerve pain and numbness in the legs.

The frontline approach for relieving sciatica and back pain is to restore balance to vata dosha. This can be done by:

Food Techniques

following a vata-pacifying meal plan, including warm, moist foods. Avoid drying foods.

following a vata-balancing daily routines, including early to bed and early to rise.

-learning how to do an ayurveda daily self-massage called Abhyanga. (Just doing this one technique has helped thousands of clients reverse chronic pain permanently).

-following a seasonal ayurveda Panchakarma cleansing plan called, to remove toxins that have built up in the colon and central nervous system.

-getting plenty of rest and relaxation; vata tends to suffer from excess mental chatter. Explore membersand techniques such as meditation and guided relaxation to provide a sense of peaceful calm and grounding, and a good nights sleep.

-anti-inflammatory foods encorporating like fresh ground ginger and turmeric into your daily recipes.

These may seem too simple to be effective but when practiced rules them can completely reverse back pain and sciatica with out surgery or the unwanted side effects of narcotic and prescription drugs.

Ayurveda & Natural Health-Recipe For Healing Sciatica

Friday, April 27, 2012

Do Burn Fat Foods categorically Exist?

Do these mythical burn fat foods unquestionably exist? The reply is Yes and they're all around us. Most of us just have no idea that they're there. Here you'll find any burn fat foods which will give you the best effects while being effortlessly ready from your local supermarkets.

Whole Grains and Oats

Food Recipe

One of the favourites in the world of weight loss. These are great fat burning complements due to their low G.I values, meaning that they release vigor at a very slow and carport rate in your system. What this can do is to keep your vigor levels up until the your next meal without causing fatigue, you'll feel satisfied for longer and helping you burn fat. Foods like this prevents sharp rises of vigor intake which causes your body to store the excess vigor as fat, instead the slower release of vigor from oats and whole grains lets you use it up as it is digested.

Ginger and Citrus Fruits

You probably have already heard numerous uses for citrus fruits, remember those winter days when you drank lemon juice or stocked up on oranges to help forestall the flu? Or the unlikely occurrence of scurvy? Well guess what...Vitamin C is unquestionably also an exquisite fat burning tool. No wonder scientists around the world are hailing it as a miracle substance. See, Vitamin C is able to help you lose weight by speeding up fat metabolism, clearing you principles of any excess fat in storage and also help preventing the accumulation newly acquired fat molecules. Citrus fruits in this case comes up on top as the most beloved selection to get your daily dose of Vitamin C dues to its relatively high content. In order to get more out of citrus fruits, eat the whole fruit rather than juicing it, the high fibre article if its innards can help you clean your digestive system. There are many alternatives to citrus fruits when it comes to Vitamin C, tomatoes, spinach, berry fruit also include very high levels of Vitamin C, with fruits such as blackcurrant and kiwifruits having higher Vitamin C article than most citrus fruits. You'll probably be thinking why is ginger and citrus fruits grouped together? We'll get to that later, but firstly let's elucidate why ginger is also part of the burn fat foods group. Ever wondered why eating ginger can give your body a warm feeling? Ginger is a well known vasodilator, meaning that it's able to enhance blood circulation around your body, allowing more blood to flow to areas of your body which may have been cold at the time, therefore giving you a warm sensation. What this improved blood flow can also do is to give your metabolism a boost, increasing the speed of fat burning. Why did I put ginger and citrus fruits together? They complement each other very well in all sorts of dishes. Why not try adding a bit of ginger to any method you have that's got citrus fruits into to give it a tangy kick! Or just make some ginger and lemon tea, simple and delicious!

Nuts and Beans

These are unquestionably must eat foods for just about anyone and everyone. They're high in protein, low in G.I. And have lots of the good types of fats that are greatly beneficial for your heart. Eat a hand full of these burn fat foods everyday and you'll not only see your waistline decrease but also have a healthier heart.

These type of burn fat foods will shorten the number of time required to reach your goal. Any way you must remember that no singular method can get you there successfully. You must couple what you have learnt here with a good rehearsal plan as well as control other aspects of your diet. As long as you can stick to your plan, you will reach you goal in no time!

Do Burn Fat Foods categorically Exist?

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Raw Foods Diet to Live simply and Long

Ever wonder as to why the median age of the Japanese citizen is 92 for males and 94 for females? For that matter the median age of the citizen in so many other Asian countries where most live above 80 years. It can plainly be pointed to their diet which includes a lot of raw foods. Raw foods diet is a revolutionary albeit a very old conception of living a healthy, clean and simple life which is in harmony with nature.

Raw foods are very rich in dietary nutrients such as fiber, vitamins, minerals, and enzymes. Most citizen would have heard that the enzymes that are provided with raw food are normally flushed out along with all the vitamins and minerals when the food is cooked. However what most do not know is that when the cooked food is digested without these nutrients and the enzymes, the digestive process suffers and leads to disorders such as constipation, gastritis, and heartburns. Besides our bodies are just not designed to take in the kind of junk that is such a norm these days. The oxidants that are added as a consequent steadily destroy the body's regenerative abilities and lead to severe diseases such as cancer and asthma.

Food Recipe

People who live on raw foods diet plainly have all these issues taken care of as the body gets what it requires. It is worth noting that citizen who live entirely on cooked food are the ones who face practically all the problems mentioned above apart from obesity and other persisting ones; while those who rely on raw foods diet are seen to taste practically no such issues while having existing condition problems solved.

Try some raw recipes and see the divergence it creates in your life.

Raw Foods Diet to Live simply and Long

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Dogs - Garlic Kills and Other Myths

As loving pet owners, we all know that there are obvious foods that we should never give our dogs.  The list is quite long, actually.  It includes garlic, salt, baby food, and many more common, everyday ingredients.  However, rarely do we hear why.

Why shouldn't I let my dog have garlic?

Food Recipe

Well, garlic contains the ingredient thiosulphate.  When a dog ingests a toxic estimate of this ingredient, it is very inherent for them to develop, what is referred to as, Hemolytic Anemia.  The symptoms include labored breathing, vomiting, discolored urine, diarrhea and liver damage.

Scary, isn't it?

What they don't tell you is that it takes a large estimate of thiosulphate to cause this kind of damage.  As a matter of fact, garlic used for seasoning purposes will not have any result on your pooch.  And as an added benefit, treats made with garlic have been known to repel fleas!

Salt- How much is too much?

Just like people, dogs can genuinely have too much salt in their diets.  Salt taken in huge quantities can cause electrolyte imbalances.  However, just like garlic, salt used for the purpose of seasoning won't genuinely work on your pooch.

Baby food- If it's good sufficient for my baby, why can't I feed it to my dog?

With the irregularity of the fruit flavored varieties, most jars of baby food include onion and/or garlic powder.  Now onion powder does carry a risk that garlic powder doesn't.  Some dogs are affected by the thiosulphate it contains.  Yes, garlic powder has the same ingredient, but in a much smaller quantity.  

Feeding your dog baby food and only baby food will likely cause a nutritional deficiency, as well.  However, feeding your dog baby food as part of a dog food method will not have any consequences beyond the begging for more!

I hope after reading this you will perceive that not all toxic foods are created equal.  As much as I love to make my beloved pup garlic biscuits for flea control, you will never catch me giving him chicken bones or chocolate.  When feeding your pet treats, it's all about moderation anyway.  After all, they call them 'treats' for a reason!

Dogs - Garlic Kills and Other Myths

Friday, April 20, 2012

How to Start Losing Weight Today

You are busy, it's true. You have other things to do each day that seem to get in the way. Or maybe, you are just a slave to your long established bad habits? Regardless of your individual circumstances, one thing remains abundantly clear. You want to lose weight, but you have always found that one reason to put if off until tomorrow. You can be very creative when it comes to excuse making and you always are able to persuade yourself that one more day won't hurt anything. But take a moment to look backwards and realize just how many days you have been telling yourself that. The truth is that you have gotten into an unhealthy lifestyle that prevents you from taking those first steps towards weight loss. So what can you do about it? Well, keep reading below and discover what you cando to finally start down the path of weight loss today.

What you need to do to get started

The truth is that there are different types of people in the world. There are those few who can put their mind to something and be able to focus on it until they achieve their goal. But chances are, you are not one of these people. While you may not be a ' self starter ', that doesn't mean that you are unable to learn to motivate yourself. Instead, you can use other methods to get yourself going and start down the path to achieving your goals. So where do you begin? Let's get "look at what you do first.

Food Techniques

1. Getting Your Mind Right)

The first place you need to start is to get your head focused. You need to stop, push away the other distractions out of your mind and make a firmcommitment. This isn't something that you should just take lightly, this is most likely going to be the most difficult and critical step to your starting to lose weight. You can't take a short cut here and only do it half heartedly. You need to just stop, go somewhere that is quiet and peaceful, and close your eyes and make a promise to yourself that you will start making the changes necessary to lose weight. Now this may sound all well and good, but you should realize that this alone can't be enough to break your bad habits. You will eventually start to lose focus and revert back to your old ways. So after you have stopped and made that commitment to yourself, you need to move onto the next step.

2.) Removing Temptation

The second thing you need to do is to remove the obvioustemptations from your home. Now this isn't to say that you need to go on a purge of everything that could possibly contribute to more weight and unhealthy snacking. Instead, start by removing your clutch foods that you go to first. Only you will know what that may be. It may be a certain type of cracker, or a cookie, candy, bread, cake, pudding, or whatever. Everyone has something that they consider their ' guilty pleasure ', and it is often the biggest obstacle to their losing weight and getting a flat stomach. So narrow down what those foods may be, and get them as far away from you as possible!

3.) Start Creating New Habits

How to Start Losing Weight Today

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Fitness Training Programs-Secret Techniques to Lose Pregnancy Weight

How would you like to lose your pregnancy weight and be in the best shape of your life using two of the best fitness training programs around? If you want to know the easiest way to lose your pregnancy weight then read every word in this article very carefully.

My wife is pregnant with our second little miracle. After the first baby, she thought her body was ruined and her self-esteem suffered badly. I love my wife with all my heart and just wanted her to feel great again as I always had known her to.

Food Techniques

She started searching for fitness training programs just like you are. When she found this one it took her only 3 months to lose her pregnancy weight and get a very sexy looking body.

Picture yourself 3 months from now looking sexier than before you got pregnant,how does it feel? If you can give birth to a baby then it will be a walk in the park to lose your pregnancy weight.

Finding good quality fitness training programs can be hard and personal trainers are very expensive. How would you like to learn the proven techniques my wife used to lose her pregnancy weight and get a very sexy body?

She uses two of the best fitness training programs around, one for exercise and one for diet. In a nut shell here are some of the secrets that she has learned.

1: So called health food products are not always healthy. Do you think diet drinks and healthy weight lose shakes are good for you? Think again. If they are not full of sugar then they are made with artificial sweeteners and flavours which are just as bad, if not worse for you. Makingyour own food is the best idea to avoid not so healthy products.

2: You need muscle to burn fat so doing hours of cardio is not the best way to lose weight. An advanced technique, which should only be use after you are fully healed, is a cardio weight combo.

You pick a weight lifting routine then do your first set of weights. Instead of resting 30 seconds of you do cardio and then straight back to your second set of weights. Keep going from weights to cardio without any rest in between.

Fitness Training Programs-Secret Techniques to Lose Pregnancy Weight

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Why Going on to Body Cleanse Detox is Important These Days

All the hype about a body cleanse detox makes it look like it's a tricky task. For sure you have heard a celebrity, co-worker or even some stranger on the bus talking about it. While there are different means to perform detoxification, the principles behind them pretty much remain the same. Read on to see why it's become so popular these days.

Our bodies have built-in cleansing mechanisms. They are composed of various organs making up systems. One example is the excretory system. This system helps in flushing out waste materials produced by normal biological processes, including metabolism. Involved organs are the kidneys and the liver. Also included is the largest organ we have: the skin.

Food Techniques

But over the years our surroundings have changed significantly. The dawn ofindustrialization practically caused such changes. Factories are pumping toxic gases into the air and harmful chemicals into the water. Even fumes from cars, buses and other vehicles worsen air pollution.

What we put into our mouths "has also changed drastically. Our fruits and vegetables are laden with fertiliser and pesticides for better harvest. Antibiotics and other drugs flood the bodies of livestock to enhance production. Heavily-processed foods are heavy on preservatives and other additives. Even fatty and greasy food items are easily available for consumption in the form of fast food!

Even if our body can naturally get rid of toxins, the amount we put into it daily is simply overwhelming. It receives more harmful substances to process than it can eliminate. With thisthe case, our excretory system along with involved organs begin to fail. And this is when several different problems arise.

Accumulation of toxins within our bodies element­manifests element itself through different health problems. The skin becomes dull and lifeless, often marred by blemishes. Waistlines becomes bigger as food cravings go out of hand. Headaches, irritability and fatigue also become daily staples. And worst of all, susceptibility to some diseases increase, like arthritis, diabetes and some cancers.

With this the case, it is through detoxification that trapped toxins in the body can be effectively rid of. There are different detoxifying techniques. Some allow only intake of fresh juices. Some prohibit consumption of cooked food. There are also some which need enemas,colonics and other similar processes.

You can help your body to detoxify itself, with or without subscribing to currently existing members. For instance, you can begin doing so by modifying your diet. Focus on organic produce, as these are rich in fiber to sweep out toxins. Limit meat-based food items because they are difficult to digest. By being watchful of what you eat, you're helping your body work more efficiently, digestion included.

Incorporating exercise into your life will also be of tremendous help. Toxins can be eliminated through sweating. Plus you get to deal with obesity, a by-product of toxin accumulation. Steer clear of cigarettes and alcohol. Make sure you drink plenty of clean water. This will hasten the process of detoxifying your systems.

Why Going on to Body Cleanse Detox is Important These Days

Thursday, April 12, 2012

About Weight Loss and Why it Works For Some But Not For Others

When making the decision to lose weight, most people usually end up feeling overwhelmed. The main reason for this is due to not achieving the results. They expected or hoped for right away, sometimes causing them to give up on their weight loss plans prematurely. What most people do not know is that not only are diet and exercise important to your weight loss plans, but making sure you have a positive attitude towards yourself and your goals is equally important. You should also remember there is a difference between true exercise and just physically moving your body.

To achieve true fitness you must be prepared to perform exercises that strengthen muscles as well as aerobic type exercises to strengthen the heart. In terms of exercise, this is the only proper way to loseweight. Where your diet is concerned, it is all too easy to eat low fat or low carb foods. The only true way to lose weight, however, is to make sure you always burn more calories than you take in. To do this, you need to watch your portions. The choice of food and the amount you eat plays a big role in how many calories you consume.

Your psychological state is important to achieve weight loss. If you have any underlying issues it may be a good idea to consult with a psychologist. Having the right mindset will enable you to find new techniques and overcome any obstacles and help you lose weight more effectively.

Food Techniques

Another important part of your weight loss plan is determination and willpower. The best way to overcome the difficult hurdles that you will come across during yourweight loss plans is to constantly visualize a "healthier you." Try to get rid of any negative thoughts and concentrate on the positive energies around you. Throw in some meditation and deep breathing, and you are sure to have results that will please you.

When you decide to lose weight, you should come up with a weight loss plan that you can stick with. Did you know that if a person can burn 500 calories a day for one week they could lose up to one whole pound? If you can remind yourself of this formula, you are more likely to follow through with your weight loss plan.

The main problem people have with losing weight is that they often lose sight of their goals and lose their motivation for weight loss. Then quite simply they quit. Not losing weight as fast as they wanted isanother reason that people will quit working towards their health goals. Typically, a simple change in your attitude towards a more positive outlook can do magic when it comes to following through. Remember, consistency is the key to maintaining a healthier you.

In the long run, if you simply keep a positive attitude and stick with your lifestyle changes it will keep you on the right path towards meeting your weight loss goals. About Weight Loss means a positive attitude is important, above all the consistency of exercise and a healthy diet is more important.

To your success,

Tony and Maricar Wing

© Copyright Wing Family Trust
All rights reserved worldwide. Oct 2009

About Weight Loss and Why it Works For Some But Not For Others

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Natural throbbing head ill Remedies That indeed Work

When you have a throbbing head headache, you no ifs ands or buts know it. That blinding, pounding pain in your head, your eyes, or your entire head and all the symptoms that go with it. As a throbbing head sufferer myself, I know exactly what it feels like. Migraines don't just go away with over the counter medication, you need extra throbbing head medication and a dark room with ice on your head to get rid of these headaches. But, aren't you tired of wasting the whole day trying to get rid of your throbbing head headaches?

People who have not experienced a throbbing head ill often allowance the pain experienced with one of these types of headaches. They may think the sufferer is being overly dramatic or is faking the pain. These headaches are real and they can be quite severe and sometimes do not go away with medication. Why not try a natural remedy?

Food Recipe

Natural or home remedies are those that are made at home from natural ingredients. They have many unavoidable attributes. They are simple, have no side effects, no chemicals, they are inexpensive, and they give you the capability to let you heal yourself.

Fresh Grape Juice

One natural remedy for throbbing head headaches is the juice of fresh grapes, which can ease throbbing head pain. What you do is you grind the juice out of the grapes and don't add any water, and you just drink the juice. I know it sounds strange, but try it - it works!


Niacin has been proven to help ease throbbing head pain. It can be found in the following foods: yeast, whole wheat, green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, nuts, sunflower seeds, liver, and fish. I also take a vitamin supplement of 100 mg a day for throbbing head treatment.


The scents that are known to help with migraines are lavender, peppermint, sandalwood, eucalyptus, and rosemary. You can rub any of these onto your temples or blend any of them together and rub them on your temples. You can also put a couple of drops into a bath. The scents will relax you almost immediately. Breathe deeply and you may pick to do some breathing exercises along with this to help you to relax.

Lemon Crust

Lemon crust has been known to cure throbbing head headaches. Grind the lemon crust and make it into a paste. Apply the paste onto the forehead. This is very efficient to ease throbbing head headaches in a significant whole of people.

Vegetable Juices

Carrot juice combined with spinach, beet, and cucumber juices work well for throbbing head headaches. Try the following two recipes for throbbing head relief:

1. Mix 200 ml. Of spinach juice with 300 ml. Of carrot juice.
2. Mix 100 ml. Each of beet and cucumber juices with 300 ml. Of carrot juice.

Peppermint Tea

This is something that helps my migraines. I make a cup of peppermint tea with a puny honey in it and it does help ease my migraines a puny bit. I hope that it helps you also.

Migraine headaches influence separate habitancy in separate ways and natural remedies will also influence habitancy differently. They may or may not work for you, but give them a try. I no ifs ands or buts hope that at least one of the natural remedies for throbbing head headaches that I suggested here will help you with your migraines.

Natural throbbing head ill Remedies That indeed Work

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Are We All Giving Our Dogs healthy Dog Food?

The healthiest kinds of dog food for your right friends are homemade dog food recipes. Society today is caught up from the popularity of artificial dog foods and are allowing canine obesity and other health problems to be on the rise. Just like humans, our canine friends need a balanced diet of good nutrients for continuous growth and tissue repair. We can truly provide these important nutrients with homemade dog food recipes.

One of the most important nutrients that dogs need is protein. The carbohydrates that are found in market food for dogs overwhelm the proteins. In the long run this can do more harm to your dog than good. Typically, the proteins that are found in these artificial foods are animal by products. These by products are not the ideal food your dog needs. Plus, even though the meat product often comes first on the label of the bag, it does not necessarily mean that it is the biggest ingredient within the bag. Often, when the corn and rice ingredients are added together, they outweigh the amount of protein in the bag. But, unless you are feeding a young puppy or hunting or working dogs that would need an increased amount of protein in their diets, too much protein can truly be bad for dogs. Homemade dog food recipes allow you to be able to give your dog the right mix of the important nutrients.

Food Recipe

Although the stigma in Society is to stay away from fats, fats are truly an foremost part of a dog's diet as well. They help to articulate a salutary coat and general kidney function. One way that you can give your dog the right kind of fats is by including fish in your recipes. Fish is a great source of fatty acids. Plus, although carbohydrates are not good for dogs in large amounts, they are an important part of a dog's diet. With homemade meals, you can give your dog carbohydrates in the form of fresh corn or rice in the permissible amounts to ensure that they are getting a salutary mix of nutrients.

Many citizen today have realized the point of food for their families. We strive to give our kids salutary meals and snacks throughout the day and urge the school districts to do the same. Imagine if we gave our families the same packaged food every particular day. How boring would that be? We are a Society that loves to pamper our dogs and we spend money on cute clothes, doggie spas and high-priced collars. Let's comprehend the best way to pamper your right companion is to truly treat them like a member of the house and get them on the road to optimal health straight through their diet. Try to find ways to give you're your dog the healthiest food by production it at home. Although it is not recommended to feed your dog "table scraps", you can use your leftovers to put make something that is healthier than what's scooped out of a bag. Show your best friend how much you care.

Are We All Giving Our Dogs healthy Dog Food?

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Summer Smoothies

Vitamin packed indulgence in a glass

The summer sun swelters outside. Inside it is warm, the fruit bowl sits lusciously on the window sill, bursting with seasonal plenty - peaches, mangoes, grapes as well as the year round banana. All of the fruit is at point of exquisite ripeness, begging to be eaten right now before it descends into a pool of pulp. It could have stayed in the fridge and been brought out in thrifty relays to ripen for a day, but there is something about a full fruit bowl, a promise of health and succulence, that time and again makes me arrange it as a still life, as I unpack the shopping, only to be wrong-footed when it all ripens at the same time. Typically the children are only bothering to eat apples, which last forever in the fridge. Desperate measures are called for.

Food Recipe

It is time to make smoothies. Even children, who wouldn't give a second glance to raw fruit, can usually be beguiled by a smoothy. It is also a extra treat for adults, an easy thing to do for visitors who drop by, when it's too hot for tea. Any ripe fruit can be used, even if it is slightly overripe, as long as it still smells good and not fermenting. You get a mega-dose of vitamins, plus calcium from the yoghurt and milk, practically a meal in itself. Salutary eating in a glass!

Giving a formula for a smoothy is hardly necessary. It depends on what you have in the house already. Use this example as a template and adapt and convert it as you like. As long as you use fruit that is truly ripe, it'll be delicious. The one requisite piece of equipment is a liquidiser or food processor, without that I'd just have to force feed the children the fruit as is, it is far too laborious to puree fruit by hand on a hot summer's day. The joy development smoothies is the effortlessness.

No set quantities, but as a guide I'd use one mango with one or two bananas. Just peel and stone the fruit, fling it into the liquidiser with a large dollop of plain yoghurt and a cup of milk and blitz. If it is too thick for your liking add more milk. Chuck in some ice cubes for instant chill factor.

A tip for dealing with mangoes: without peeling, slice off both the long sides as close to the stone as you can., cut the flesh in a criss-cross fashion to make 1cm cubes, without going right straight through the skin, then push the skin up to invert the cubes into a mango hedgehog! The children eat them like this and a very messy firm it is, needing a bath afterwards.

Suggestions for fruit combinations:

Mango and banana Pear, berry and banana Peach and berry Strawberry and banana Peach, apricot and banana

Any fruit in the whole wide world can be added to this list, experiment with whatever is in season and make up your own combinations.

Bananas make a good background for most other fruits and give a good velvety texture, besides being the most likely fruit to have nearby overripe. If you want to move away from the Salutary fruit scenario, you can use bananas with a few teaspoons of hot chocolate to make a scrummy, decadent milkshake. Or go the whole way and put a blob of vanilla ice-cream in too. I remember as a child, my mom adding a raw egg to ours to build us up. It made it wonderfully frothy, but then nobody worried about salmonella in those days - I wouldn't suggest it unless you have a guaranteed source of salmonella-free eggs.

If you have berries of any sort stashed in the freezer, you can throw in a handful still frosty and watch the colour transform as you blitz. Mulberries, blackberries, youngberries, blueberries all add deep colour and plenty of useful nutrients, loads of anti-oxidants - instant immune boosters in winter, if you can keep them until then. I usually freeze strawberries as puree, when the strawberry harvest overwhelms us, so can bring it out for a convert later on in the year. The other berries I freeze whole, stalks and leaves picked off, so they are ready to use. You can also buy frosty berries in mixed packs, which would work fine.

Whatever fruit you're using, let the children press the buttons on the liquidiser and then dole out the smoothie, in glasses with straws, easy in the knowledge that the vitamin quota for the day is being filled.

Copyright 2006 Kit Heathcock

Summer Smoothies

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Easy Potato Recipes

This time of year, we think more about staying inside our warm houses and enjoying a home-cooked meal. But sometimes it's hard to think of things to prepare for evening meal night after night, especially when you're trying to use up things you have on hand.

Potatoes are a staple food in my family's winter diet. They're inexpensive, easy to prepare, and there are so many separate things that you can do with them. Even though my husband sometimes complains, "potatoes again?!" when we've had them in some shape or form for evening meal every night for a week, I still conduct to come up with new and separate ways to serve them. I personally never get tired of eating them.

Food Recipe

Potatoes are very versatile in that you can serve them as a main course, side dish, or appetizer. They also ice very well, so you can prepare meals ahead of time and ice them for later use. One easy meal to prepare is a easy potato soup base consisting of potatoes, onions, garlic, salt, pepper, and milk or water. You can add flour to thicken it up if you wish, or I add cream of mushroom soup to give it a richer flavor. From there you can add whatever you wish to generate a meal your family is sure to enjoy. I often add clams for an easy-to-make clam chowder, ham, or corn and bacon for corn chowder. There is no end to the possibilities you could come up with. Served with fresh homemade bread, you can't beat the feeling of relax a bowl of potato soup brings on a cold winter's day.

Potato Soup Base

3 tablespoons butter

1 cup onion, chopped

2 cloves garlic, minced

4 cups potatoes, peeled and cubed

2 cans (21 oz) cream of chicken or mushroom soup

2 soup cans milk

Salt and pepper

Melt butter in a large saucepan. Add onions and garlic, cooking until soft. Add potatoes and adequate water to barely cover the potatoes. Cook, covered, until potatoes are tender (15 to 20 minutes). In a medium-sized bowl, mix together soup and milk. Pour soup composition into potato composition and stir. Heat but do not boil. Season to taste.

Parmesan Potato Casserole

2 cups mashed potatoes

8 ounces cream cheese

2 eggs

1 small onion, diced

2 tablespoons flour

1/4 cup Parmesan cheese, grated

1/4 cup dried bread crumbs

Salt and pepper

Preheat oven to 300 degrees. In a small bowl, mix Parmesan cheese and bread crumbs; set aside. In a medium-sized bowl, consolidate mashed potatoes, cream cheese, eggs, onion, and flour. Beat with a mixer on low speed until blended. Beat at high speed until composition is light and fluffy. Add salt and pepper. Pour potato composition into a greased casserole dish. Sprinkle with bread crumb/Parmesan cheese mixture. Bake for 35 minutes.

Easy Potato Recipes