Friday, December 30, 2011

French Food Tips: Understanding The Traditional 6 Course Meal

For a dinner party or special meal many people choose to go for French food, since many of the best recipes are inspired by, or come directly from France. French cuisine is known around the world as being one of the finest, and it's no surprise that it is one of the most popular choices when it comes to laying on a meal that's a little bit special.

But apart from serving up the obvious meals such as beef Bourgogne, what can you do to really transform a meal into a classic French one? One of the things that can be done is to serve French food in the same way the French do. If you've ever been to France for a meal you'll know that the one thing the French never do when they're eating is rush. In this country we tend to see each course as something to get through before we can chat a while before the next one, but in France they can make a meal last hours quite easily.

Food Techniques

In part this is because they serve several courses, all of which are a little smaller than some of the courses we serve here in the UK. By having several courses, all planned carefully to keep the tastes separate and enjoyable, the meal can be made to feel full of more variety. It's important not to rush French food, but to savour it, and to enjoy and share the experience with those around you.

Here's a quick break down of the traditional way in which French food should be served, breaking it down into six separate courses. Remember, when serving this many courses the servings will need to be a little smaller than if you were just serving a three course meal.

Course 1: Hors D'oeuvres

Don't call this the starter, for a start! If you're serving up French food then the first dish must be hors d'oeuvres, which roughly translated means 'out of the works'. The word 'works' here relates to the main course, and the purpose of these is to stimulate the appetite - not to fill a person up!

Course 2: The Fish Course

A light fish course with a few vegetables will come next, although it's important to remember not only to keep this small and light, but also to offer something afterwards to cleanse the palate. The ideal thing here is to serve a citrus sorbet, which prepares the taste buds for the main course.

Course 3: The Main Course

Traditionally the meat dish. The focus here is on the meat, with just a few vegetables and potatoes. Poultry or traditional meat such as lamb, beef or pork will be ideal. There are plenty of traditional French recipes to choose from, any of which will be ideal.

Course 4 The Salad Course

The purpose of this course is to cleanse the palate, as well as helping to aid digestion. Simply serve up a few greens, tossed with a vinaigrette. You can make this as simple as you like, or as elaborate as you wish.

Course 5: The Cheese Plate

For family meals this is usually the last course, with the dessert reserved for special occasions. Simply serve up a selection of cheeses, along with some fruit, and let people help themselves. The French are well known for their love of cheese, but make sure you provide a range, from light, mild cheddars to a rich stilton.

Course 6: The Dessert

For special occasions a rich, indulgent and beautifully decorated sweet treat is called for! Avoid the really rich, heavy treacle puddings and go for something a little lighter, but still very sweet. To finish with of course coffee is always ideal.

French Food Tips: Understanding The Traditional 6 Course Meal

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Easy Dessert Recipes - 3 Simple Tips

Always finding ourselves short of time in today's world, easy dessert recipes are more important than ever. Have you ever wanted to make a wonderful and delicious dessert to magnificently top off a gathering meal but found yourself short on time? Or maybe you are new to making desserts and need some help? I'm sure it happens to all of us now and then.

As a dessert lover myself, I always try to make sure that the dessert I make will at least result in some words of praise from my guests. One of the best things about having great dessert is not just that it gives you that wonderful feeling, but it also makes you happy when you see how much your guests or family members are enjoying it. But how do you do that if you are new and find dessert-making difficult, or if you're constantly busy and making dessert is too time-consuming?

Food Techniques

This article gives you some simple tips for making life simpler by choosing the right easy dessert recipes, and some advice for making almost any dessert recipe easier.

1. Recipe Size

Often we overlook the fact that the dessert recipes we make can be downsized to fit our needs. This can be as simple as taking a normal dessert recipe and dividing all the ingredient portions in half or in quarter, but not every recipe may be so appropriately scaled down. When searching for easy dessert recipes, be on the look out for the serving sizes listed for each recipe. Some recipes are specially designed for a small number of guests and these will save you a lot of hassle and worry.

Small dessert recipes are easier to make and they bake faster too. This is especially so if your kitchen isn't as big as you want it to be, or you don't have enough large bowls. Also, keep in mind that desserts are normally eaten after a large, full meal, and smaller easy dessert recipes will go well with the guests. If you have any guests who are trying to keep control of their weight, they will thank you for this too.

2. Ingredients Required

The best easy dessert recipes to choose are preferably those with convenient ingredients that you can easily find in your local store. If you are in a rush, then you might want to opt for an easy dessert recipe that can be made with the ingredients you already have on hand in your pantry or refrigerator. Recipes that require fewer ingredients will generally be easier to make. Try searching for recipes with three to five ingredients for maximum easiness in making.

3. Component Substitution

Many long-winding recipes can be made easier to some extent by simple component substitution. If certain components of a particular easy dessert recipe can be store-bought, it will save you a lot of time and effort. For example, when making a tiramisu, instead of having to make the ladyfingers and cheesecake filling from scratch according to the recipe, it would also be possible for you to buy pre-made packages of ladyfingers from the store, and ready-to-eat cheesecake filling too. Then just add coffee syrup or other flavoring according to your tastes, and assemble it for a quick tiramisu dessert.

Some people may frown upon this saying that those ready-made components do not make a dessert that tastes as good as the ones you make yourself. Well for me, I feel that this in itself is an art. It takes a certain amount of knowledge and experience to know which brand of ingredients is of the best quality and go well together. Of course easy dessert recipes that are made from scratch will often taste better, if done right, due to the effort and thought put into them. But the difference is not always that large, and there are times when we don't always get things done right. If you're just a beginner who is just starting out, then this is a good place to start too.

Try these three simple tips for making easy dessert recipes even easier, and they will save you a lot of effort. You will even find that you have more time to enjoy yourself in the kitchen.

Easy Dessert Recipes - 3 Simple Tips

Monday, December 26, 2011

Old-Fashion Batter recipe For Frying Vegetables and Meats

In today's society, fried foods are supposed to be a no-no. But who can resist some good fried vegetables from time to time? Use a good oil, don't fry too often, fry vegetables or fish and enjoy it once in awhile. Try this batter for onion rings, zucchini, mushrooms, corn nuggets, fish, chicken, or your other favorites. Many of todays menus even feature fried pickles, so just use your imagination. I found this formula years ago in a newspaper advertisement for Argo cornstarch which explains the next paragraph.

This old newspaper advertisement says to "Let the natural flavor of your fried vegetables come through with the light touch of Argo and Kingsford's. And try these easy and delicious recipes. You'll agree that for light and crispy fried vegetables or chicken, it as a matter of fact is the batter that matters."

Food Recipe

Light Batter

3/4 cup Argo or Kingford's Corn Starch
1/4 cup flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
1/2 cup water
1 egg, slightly beaten

In bowl, stir together first 5 ingredients. Add water and egg; stir until smooth. Pour 1 qt (about) corn oil into large skillet to depth of 1/2", filling no more than 1/3 full. Heat over medium heat to 375 degrees. Dip 4 cups cutup vegetables, such as zucchini, carrots, onion, and mushrooms, or 1 lb boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cut into 1" cubes, a few at a time, into batter. (Stir batter occasionally.) carefully add vegetables or chicken to hot oil, a few pieces at a time. Fry 2 to 3 minutes, turning once, until golden brown and crisp. Drain on paper towels. Serves 4 to 6.

Herb Batter: effect basic recipe. Add 1 tsp dried basil leaves and 1 clove garlic, minced.

Spicy Batter: effect basic recipe. Add 1 tsp chili powder and 1/2 tsp garlic powder.

Beer Batter: effect basic recipe. Omit water. Add 1/3 cup cold beer.


Old-Fashion Batter recipe For Frying Vegetables and Meats

Friday, December 23, 2011

7 Tips on What to Eat to Get Pregnant

How is your diet? Is it a fertility diet? Eating is the single most important thing you can do to get that happy, healthy baby you've been dreaming of. Yes, eating!

Eating is something we take for granted. In our lifetimes we have generally had enough food to eat, readily available whenever we want. We can get it 24 hours a day from any corner McDonalds for goodness sake. We've never gone hungry - unless it was to fit into that perfect outfit for Saturday's date.

Food Techniques

But there's more to optimal eating that just keeping our bellies full. It about eating the right things - in the right amount - to keep our bodies healthy and well nourished. It's about eating "Fertility Food".

History has shown that poorly nourished bodies are less likely to conceive and/or carry a baby to term. So, what should you be eating if you want to get pregnant? I listed 7 broad categories below.

8 Servings of Fruits and Vegetables

Yes, you can get all the vitamins you need from a pill but that's just not the same as getting them naturally - from the foods you eat. The vitamins and minerals in the pill are not absorbed as well by the body as those found in food. And they may be absorbed differently one day to another.

The body was meant to eat whole food - right from the source. Eating eight servings of fruits and vegetables throughout the day serves several purposes:

1. It keeps our blood sugar even. Spiking and falling blood sugars have been shown lead to miscarriages. That's why diabetics have more problems carrying a baby to term.

2. It maintains a steady supply of vitamins and minerals - rather than just a huge gulp of them when we take our pill. Now don't get me wrong here. You should take a prenatal vitamin - in addition to the fertility food you're eating - just not in place of it.

6-9 Servings of Whole Grains

In the western world we seldom eat whole grains unless we make a real effort to do so. Our grains are refined for one reason - and one reason only - to increase shelf-life. Our food suppliers have chosen to maximize profits at the expense of our health.

But on the fertility diet we make a conscious effort to eat only whole grains - brown rice, whole grain bread, couscous, barley, cracked wheat - you get the idea. These foods will make your body healthier and stronger - and more receptive to getting pregnant.

4 Servings of Low Fat Dairy

You could reasonably argue that a fully grown woman has no need for dairy products. After all, dairy products have a lot of fat in them. And you take a calcium supplement every day.

But this same argument cannot be made for a pregnant woman. Dairy products are our main source of calcium and Vitamin D. And you want to be getting these as close to the source as possible. Once your baby is born you can cut back on dairy products - but not before!

2-3 Servings of Low Fat Protein

Think fish, poultry, eggs, nuts, legumes - not protein drinks! Protein drinks are anything but natural, and when you're trying to get pregnant the natural source is always best.

The one thing to note is that American women tend to get much more than the 60 grams of protein needed each day. So check your portion sizes carefully!

Switch All White Foods to Brown Whole Foods

Brown sugar, brown pasta, whole wheat flour, whole grain cereals and breads - these are the types of grain foods we need to be eating. These are the fertility foods that provide us with folic acid, iron and zinc. And these are the fertility foods that have a major impact on having a healthy baby.

8 Glasses of Pure Water

Not tap water - unless the Culligan Man has been to your house. The quality of tap water in most regions of the country is very poor - high in iron and mercury - two minerals we do not want to get from our fluid intake.

But water is essential each and every day. It keeps the body hydrated, protects the kidneys and flushes toxins out of our system.

And Last - But Not Least... Eat a Little Bit Often

I've mentioned this before, but keeping your blood sugar on an even keel is part of the fertility diet. Blood sugars that go up rapidly and then crash are not good for you or your baby. The brain and vital organs want - need - a steady supply of sugar at an even level all day long. Eating a little bit every 3 hours or so accomplishes this.

If you haven't been eating like this - and want to get pregnant - it's best that you establish a healthy eating plan and follow it for at least 6 months before getting pregnant. That will ensure your baby has the best start possible.

If the fertility diet is new to you and you want more information, visit my website below. Be sure to sign up for my mini-course 11 Infertility Secrets while you're there.

7 Tips on What to Eat to Get Pregnant

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Italian Food Recipes - 3 Tips For Choosing the Best

Italian food recipes have grown over the internet landscape the past 2 years with more added each day. You have a wide choice to choose from in today's marketplace of taste. The dishes can range from hearty and robust to light and flavorful with many in between the two extremes. So with all these choices, along with the new kid on the block,healthy Italian recipes, how do you pick the right ones?

I've noticed many mistakes people make when it comes to choosing a recipe. But I've noticed just a few that keep coming up among people, especially new cooks. But I've also watched older more experienced cooks fall into a trap or two the newbie's fall victim to.

Food Techniques

Perhaps it's the simplicity of the mistakes, they're what people can often describe as little, but when overlooked they can often cause a big flop with your Italian recipe.

I've listed 3 solid guidelines to follow that will help you choose the best recipes. There's a simple system to choosing the best dishes. If you take the time to follow these suggestions you'll get better at choosing the best. The more you stick to these tips the better and more consistent your results.

1. Ingredients Are Easily Obtainable. - At first this appears to be a no-brainer, but many cooks can easily make this mistake if they're not careful. In their excitement to start on the recipe, they can gloss over an ingredient the dish calls for and not realize it until it's too late.

2. Invest In The Right Cooking Tools - This is an area many cooks underestimate. They choose to cook an elaborate recipe that have more steps than normal - with the wrong cooking tools. Doing this not only waste time, it can ruin a recipe, making the final product disappointing.

3. Can You Speak Recipe? - Many cooks overlook the importance of understanding recipe terms. They try to wing it and leave themselves open to make little mistakes that cause bigger problems. You'll have a different result if you cube and the recipe said to mince, or you boiled and the recipe said to sauté. This can cause your result to go into the trash instead of your mouth.

As you pay attention and remember these simple tips you'll find your Italian recipes taking on a better look, feel and taste. There's a popular saying that "the little foxes can spoil the vine," meaning little mistakes can spoil a lot. Now know you see how you can avoid the little mistakes and make your Italian cooking a big hit.

Italian Food Recipes - 3 Tips For Choosing the Best

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Healthy Eating Facts - Japanese Food and Healthy Eating Tips

When pondering on rational thoughts about life and longevity, the Japanese are known to be among the top choices. The Japanese people has been recognized to be among those who have longer life spans; there are stipulations that it is not simply because of the theory of traditional ancient practices or secrets of elixirs which allow them to live longer than an average person.

The real secret is their passion for labor and their very healthy eating facts. To be able to truly understand what the Japanese does for them to be able to live a strong and healthy life with their chosen diet, one must first perish the thought of pure raw food when speaking of Japanese cuisine. Even the Japanese know how to cook their food, and boy do they do it great!

Food Techniques

The Japanese are known for a fact to consume large amounts of fresh fruits and vegetables. They strive on fish as well as on meat. So, what makes them different from the rest of the world? Simple, it is the proportions on which they take in their food. They are able to keep an ideal balance of their food groups without having to compromise taste and quality. Among the greatest healthy eating facts the Japanese have is the fact that they are able to combine the basic food groups and use spices to their advantage; they use a lot of ginger and pickle them as an added appetizer.

The other healthy fact that the Japanese benefit greatly from is the fact that they consume large amounts of fish thus is able to benefit most from the fish oils. The Japanese tend to stay away from bad fat or saturated fat which is also known as bad cholesterol and instead use more of the good fat or good cholesterol which is mostly found in fish.

Healthy Eating Facts - Japanese Food and Healthy Eating Tips

Friday, December 16, 2011

Your vigor Levels Will Soar - Vegetarian Food Recipes

There are abundance of delicious, vegetarian food recipes ready for every meal of the day, together with snacks and desserts that have the indispensable component of being free from meat products. Starting with breakfast, you can begin your day with a wholesome and satisfying meal that will supply nutrition and energy. A vegetarian omelet is not only scrumptious, but it is also wholesome and easy to make. Begin by conferrence a range of colorful veggies to add to your omelet. The more range of colors you have, the more nutrients you will get, as colorful vegetables contain the most nutrients and anti-oxidants.

Try bell peppers (yellow, red, green), mushrooms, spinach and tomatoes, if you like. Chop the vegetables and add to two cracked eggs in a bowl. Cook over an open flame in safflower oil and pair with whole wheat toast.

Food Recipe

Vegetarian snacks are also easy to prepare. You can munch on nuts, lite cheese, fruit, yogurt, chips and salsa, granola bars, cut-up veggies and so much more. For lunch, you can prepare something fresh that requires no cooking at all. In whole wheat pita pockets, add hummus and veggies of your choice. Some appetizing choices contain alfalfa sprouts, shredded carrot, black olives, cucumber slices and any other vegetables you crave. Vegetarians who eat cheese can also think adding feta cheese to their pita.

A vegetarian supper can be just as easy as any other meal. You can use the leftover vegetables of the day by cutting them up in slices and frying in a pan of safflower oil or canola oil. In a pot, prepare brown rice or other whole grain of your choice. After the vegetables are sauteed, drain and cut tofu into cubes and crisp them in the pan. prepare a sauce made with lite soy sauce, chili flakes, rice vinegar, sesame oil and lime juice. Assemble the rice, veggies and tofu and pour the sauce over it. Make sweetmeat straightforward with baked pear sliced drizzled with agave nectar and chopped pecans.

Vegetarian food recipes promote wholesome digestion and supply energy. Meat-free meals virtually eliminate that "two-thirty" feeling where you just want to lay down and take a nap. By eliminating that tired feeling, you can do away with the coffee and caffeine beverages such as soda and Red Bull. With your vigor levels peaking while everybody else is feeling sluggish and in need of artificial stimulation, your productivity will soar.

Your vigor Levels Will Soar - Vegetarian Food Recipes

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Candied Yams - The Reigning King of Soul Food Recipes Side Dishes

Candied yams has come full circle, especially when it comes to favorite soul food formula side dishes. An always favorite side dish for the holidays, it now has vast in popularity year around. Many have gave this dish assorted names. For example, candy yams, candied yam, candied sweet potato recipe, yams candied or soul food candied yams to name a few.

Most people enjoy the festive climate candied yam recipes bring to a meal. So, as a follow more people are enjoying this tasty side dish during non-holiday months. But still the holidays is when this dish nothing else but shines and brings a festive climate to any table. Because of the availability of yams year nearby now, the popularity continues to grow at a steady pace. In addition, because of this vegetables health benefits, more health conscious consumers are discovering it.

Food Recipe

Yams are rich in dietary fiber, beta carotene, vitamin A B and C as well as involved carbohydrates to name a few. In addition, with the growth in diabetes cases, yam recipes supply an excellent alternative. First studies review it helps lower insulin resistance and stabilize sugar levels.

Other added benefits of yams is their high potassium and low sodium levels. As a follow they yield what nutritionist call a good potassium-sodium balance in the body. This health helps to fight osteoporosis and heart disease. Yam recipes ordinarily yield a lower glycemic index that other potato products. This means they will help supply a longer lasting form of energy, and help fight obesity and diabetes.

Yam have also been know to replenish fast twitch fibers, runners use them as a way of recovering after running. It's no coincidence that some of the best long distance runners on earth come from countries that yield high amounts of yams.

Yam recipes continue to be one of the top 5 ease foods, particularly during the holidays. Along with turkey, stuffing, mash potatoes and gravy, it is tops when it comes to side dishes, according to a recent University of California poll.

In fact, this southern dish has moderately past mash potatoes and gravy as a favorite soul food side dish. The buttery flavors, cinnamon back taste, brown sugar foundation and nutmeg makes for a primary holiday taste few side dishes can match. In increasing the orange color serves to add color, interest and eye request for retrial to any plate.

After finishing a meal that includes southern style yams, people are always rewarded with that satisfying feeling of ease and satisfaction. Candied yams stay with you longer than most side dishes. Many call this a stick to your ribs benefit. These are a few of the many top advantages of eating candied yams or candied sweet potatoes. But there's more for you to enjoy.

Candied Yams - The Reigning King of Soul Food Recipes Side Dishes

Sunday, December 11, 2011

A Taste of Jamaican Food and Recipes

The flavors of Jamaica are the stock of the island's history combined with a verdant, lush climate. The Spanish, British, African and East Indian have all had an influence over what is today a unique island cuisine made colorful by the many tropical fruits that thrive here.

The waters off Jamaica have always teemed with fish and seafood is the original protein source for islanders. Snapper, grouper, sea bass and other reef a deep sea fish are caught daily by the many fishermen whose boats line the beaches. Spiny lobster, shrimp and freshwater crustaceans are effortlessly ready and cooked ordinarily in a thick sauce. Chicken and goats are well great to the small grand island and are kept by many families but cattle are rare and beef is not the illustrious meat.

Food Recipe

Many of Jamaica's fruits, along with pineapple, mango, banana and avocado were brought to the region by slave traders and plantation owners experimenting with crops. What were once sugar cane fields are now being used to grow fruits and ackee for export and domestic use.

Few other cuisines mix such a range of spices and tastes - sweet, hot and savory - as Jamaican cooking. Jamaican food wouldn't be the same without the spices, seasonings and colors from: Allspice, the pimento berry.

Among many of the spices grown in Jamaica are nutmeg, ginger, thyme, scotch bonnet peppers, which are integral clear flavors of Jamaican cooking. The pungent thyme grows rampantly on the island and is found in the majority of Jamaican foods.

Favourite Jamaican foods are those for coconut cake, rum punch & beef jerky recipies.

Real Jamaican food, when cooked with feeling, is a soul-satisfying experience.

A Taste of Jamaican Food and Recipes

Friday, December 9, 2011

20 Head Smacking Food Cooking Tips

A lot of us are often given blurred visions of certain food preparation techniques that we forget many vital processes; thanks to commercialized quick-to-eat food products that make us want to pop them in the oven and voila! There are certain kitchen/cooking metrics that we Food Central do not encourage, but would like you to know so that you can be kitchen-smart.

Here are a few simple cooking tips that you might find handy when you do cooking. Preparing ingredients are sometimes tedious work - Just like washing vegetables, peeling prawns, washing shellfish, dressing the sirloin and so forth. If you know what's best for yourself in the kitchen, you might be able to run away from certain fuss by using these food techniques:

Food Techniques

Salt your water when you're hard-boiling eggs The trick to easy-peel hard boil eggs is actually adding in salt to lukewarm water, turn on the fire and start cooking the eggs. When your water is boiled, turn down your fire to simmer. Constantly check your eggs for cracks - Too hot of the water will crack your eggs (and if you want to save gas by putting in hot boiling water to boil your eggs, you might just crack a lot of them if you're boiling in a chunk); salt your water by adding in around 1 handful of salt to 5 liters of water. The salt will lengthen your boiling time but it'll make your life 100 times simpler. Keep your knife hot when you're slicing 'vulnerable' food items The trick to making the perfect slice for eggs or cheesecake (and some chocolate products) is to keep your knife hot, not warm. Stainless steel do not keep hot temperatures well, and looking at your thin chef knife, it won't keep it for long either. Clean your knife, dip it into hot boiling water for a while or put them over naked fire then make your incision - You'll notice that it makes a very clean cut. When you slice eggs, keep the yolk on top Hard-boiled eggs are best sliced (usually into half) from their yolk section first. Always look for the yolk, then make your incision there. Slicing too far away from the yolk makes it hard for you to aim well - Also makes your egg portions uneven. In certain cases where you can't see the yolk or it's already out in the open, just follow No. 2 and do it your way. Use egg whites to 'smoothen' your chicken If you're marinading chicken, you can also add egg white into your marinade and keep them inside. For example, one whole chicken (portioned into 8), and one large egg white. After cooking the chicken, you'll notice the skin is actually smoother. Italian sauces are best left for a day before consumption Many homemade Italian sauces are great - Even better if you 'age' them for a day. As liquid evaporates from your sauces (giving you a more focused and intense flavor) and/or incorporates with other ingredients using its naturals, these sauces will not lose its flavor for a day but gives you a bigger punch the next day. Best few examples are basic tomato sauces, pesto and stocks like Velouté (white stock - Can be vegetable, fish, shellfish or chicken) or (X - can be any vegetable) Concasse. For a better Parmesan, let it 'sweat' Many cheeses cannot be done this way, but for the special Midori brand Parmesan Cheese in a block, (found in Jusco & Cold Storage and sometimes Tesco) cheeses can be left to sweat and made better. Here's how you do it - Open the packaging but only remove the top part. Leave it outside on your dinner table (under 20+C room temperature) and make sure it has no contact with sunlight and rodents. Keep it that way for 2 days - Now taste it. It's different. Let your Chinese Celery and/or Coriander live longer Putting them in your fridge alone (with paper or plastic wrap) will kill them fast. Get a small 'deep' tupperware or even a Milo tin, add water in it, and let them sit inside (with roots below). This will lengthen their shelf life. Remove chicken skin with one incision and one pull If you need to remove the main chicken skin from your whole chicken, do this: Use a sharp knife and turn your chicken breast-side-down. Make a straight vertical incision along the 'backbone' of the chicken, then tear the chicken skin apart. This should remove most of its skin (except for the wings). Non-stick a pan with food ingredients or few techniques Heat/Temperature control is your best technique. If you need your pan to be non-stick (but it's not labeled or sold as non-stick), you can do a few things - Heat your pan thoroughly before cooking (dry), fry a full egg before cooking, cook a stick-able ingredient until the surface is cooked before touching it (with high enough heat), oil your pan and heat the oil (then remove it and place it in another container) before cooking and fry beansprouts or coconut husks before cooking. Remove the 'new' smell from your Pan or Wok You can try this few ingredients. Don't bother washing it too many times to rid the smell because some 'cheap' pans don't work. You can try heating the pan to the maximum then pouring hot oil into it and throw away, fry beansprouts or coconut husks, leave it heated under hot charcoal for 30 minutes, make a simple 'stew' and throw them away. All of these works, but if you're still getting the smell, then you know that pan won't last long. Getting 'rust' marks out of your pans and woks Chinese woks are famous for this, especially when they are old. You tend to leave your wok to hang (with some water intact) and you come back and find your wok has rust marks. You can use a few methods to combat this problem: After washing your pan/wok, use a kitchen towel and some oil then rub enough oil on it - This will enable water to not oxidize the metal surface of your pan/wok. Alternatively, you can also heat your pan/wok to the maximum, and then leave it to cook (do not let it come in contact with water. Wash before heating your pan/wok. Don't store shellfish into the fridge Storing shellfish into the fridge is the wrong way to go (applies for freshly live ones). What you can do is wash them under running water for a while to remove the dirt, place them in a container (without covering) then get a wet kitchen cloth and cover them. Make sure they're in room temperature and is not kept for more than 1 1/2 days. Do this for live clams and local mussels (Malaysia). Don't use mayonnaise straight from the tub/container Commercialized mayonnaise taste absolutely ridiculous if you're not challenging it with another strong-tasting ingredient. What you can do to 'tame' its flavor is to add in milk, salt & pepper, whisk them well to a thinner texture. If you're adventurous enough, take a small portion of mayonnaise and add in a few more ingredients. You can add garlic, tomato/chilly sauce, Worcestershire sauce (Lea & Perrins), Maggi Seasoning Sauce, Jalapeño juice, Pickles, cream, sugar, brine, onions, carrots, cabbage or anything you can find in the fridge. Its tastes are subjective, so be careful. Test your knife with a tomato Want to know how sharp is your knife but do not know how to test it? Here are a few simple tricks for you to test them out: Slice a not-so-young-and-fresh (when pressed is quite soft) tomato, and you should be able to slice it without putting pressure on your knife blade. Another way is to slice big, yellow/red onions. If you cry fast, then it's either your techniques or your blade. Another great way of testing is to slice plastic. Extremely sharp knives slice plastic bags almost too easily - Without even having to add any pressure. Simply move it along the plastic bag and see if it goes through. Don't wash freshly harvested mushrooms Washing freshly harvested mushrooms can be disastrous (to its natural flavors). If you're looking for hygiene, PICK IT FROM A MORE HYGIENIC PLACE or get it from Tesco. Either way, they work better. If you're not particular, simply use a pastry brush and brush off its sand. For certain mushrooms like fresh button mushrooms, peel their 'outer' skin before cooking. You can use that skin for your chicken stock. Keep cockroaches away with this leaf Use 'Pandan' (or called Screw Pine) leaves to keep cockroaches away. They work extremely well. Pandan/Screw Pine leaves has hundreds of usage in thousands of recipes and home-uses. Reheat your bread in the microwave oven with some water Put in your bread and a microwave-oven-friendly bowl or glass filled with water in the microwave oven and give it a quick 20 second high heat. This will not make your bread lose too much of its moisture. Make your banana grow naturally juicier What you can do is to hang your bananas - Using a string or a hook, hang the banana on its comb and let it sit on air - This will give your banana a juicy boost and also make it brown evenly. Placing it on cold surfaces will blacken the skin (in one area first then spread to more later) faster. Bananas are naturally 'bomb-smoked' first in the farm before it goes on sale (to enable boost and uniform ripening), and when it's done that way, your bananas don't taste as good as natural ones. Keep your rice from rodents and stick-free When you're keeping uncooked rice, leave a few pieces of dried chilly in the container your store your uncooked rice. This will keep insects and rodents away. Besides, adding fresh dried chilly into your rice cooker will also make your cooking easier - The rice won't stick to the bottom. Make sure you don't cook the dried chilly (or make it come in contact with oil) first or it won't work. Naturally cook your ingredients a few times faster If you're adventurous enough, you can try packaging (in a plastic bag) a few unripe apples and some chilly. Put in 4 apples to 4 pieces of red chilly. Put them in a bag together and place it in the fridge. You'll notice that the chilly 'reactions' actually 'cook' the apples faster. Although this is not entirely 'proven' scientifically to many Chef's knowledge, it does work in certain cases.

20 Head Smacking Food Cooking Tips

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Ethnic Food Recipes - The Chinese Way

Ethnic recipes originated from different cultural diversities of each country. It is a way of studying former meals in terms of food preparation, dietary habits, food symbolism and rituals.

Most Chinese dishes merge a mixture of ingredients and a balance of elements in its flavors, colors, aroma, textures and food preparations. It is a noted and regarded great mixture of dishes. The usual meal that comprises Chinese ethnic dishes would comprise a cup of steamed rice, mixed vegetables, fried, steamed dish or soup. It even has four major Chinese cooking styles like Beijing Cuisine, Cantonese, Szechwan and Hunan also merge mixing of dishes.

Food Recipe

A good Chinese cooking custom can be marvelous by their seasoning blends, temperature operate and right cutting of ingredients. For best results, parboiling and partial frying are the techniques used by Chinese for centuries already.

In a house meal, eating rice two to three times a day is basic. Two cups of long grain white rice is cooked with 3 cups water for just 20 minutes, done commonly in four servings.

For rice porridge or congee, combining 8 cups of water and 1 cup of short grain rice will make out a commonly eaten breakfast. You can bring it to a boil, cover it in low fire and allow it to simmer for 1 ½ hours. Stirring is foremost every now and then in order to keep it from sticking in the pan. Veggies, dried fruits, meat, scallions, gingers and nuts can be added on top in order to spice up the recipe.

A mixture of tea in every meal is a must. It is the most-loved beverage of Chinese individuals. Social gatherings would not be unblemished without a cup of hot tea. Oolong, black and green tea are the 3 popular varieties in China. Oolong is brown pale tea as compared to fresh peaches. Black tea has a more strong taste. Green tea has a light and fresh flavor. It comes in loose form and it is often drank without sugar or milk. Drinking tea lowers the risk of cholesterol, prevents cancer and heart diseases.

Some Chinese ethnic recipes are as follows:

Soups and Appetizers

A clear soup serves as a drink while meals; it is a way to warm up people while the winter time. Their soup is commonly served in large bowls, for evening meal or banquet. On the other hand, dimsum as an appetizer is served while the mid-mornings or afternoon and can be as a late night snack. Dimsum samples comprise wonton, egg rolls, dumplings, shrimp balls and pastries. To enjoy yummy soups and dims sum samples, you can try these recipes:

Wonton formula - Ingredients:

o Minced pound pork ½ lb.
o Minced fresh mushrooms ¼ lb.
o ¼ tsp. Salt
o 1 tbsp. Minced scallion
o 1/8 tsp. Ground black pepper
o 1 pc. Egg yolk
o Peanut oil
o Wanton squares

o Using a bowl, mix pork, mushrooms, salt, scallions, pepper and egg yolk.
o Put a 1/2 tsp mixture at the center of won ton square and fold a projection to make triangles.
o Pull the projection bottom and overlap the tips pinching together.
o Fry in hot oil and drain.
o Serve with ketchup or mustard with a horseradish. It can make 120 pieces.

Main Dish

A main dish commonly consists of meats or fish and vegetables. Fresh vegetables are important. It should be cooked fast in order to support its color and crispness. The dish below is good for 4 persons.

Almond Chicken Recipe


o 1 ½ lbs. Chicken breasts
o 1 tsp. Honey
o 1 tbsp. Cornstarch
o 12 ounces pea pods
o 3 tbsp. Soy sauce
o ¼ cup vegetable oil
o 3 to 4 tbsp. Water
o 1 tsp. Ginger
o 1 cup natural whole almonds
o 1/3 cup sherry


o Cut chicken breasts in ½ inch cube.
o Mix ginger, cornstarch, and honey. Blend soy sauce and sherry in water.
o Heat oil in a wok on medium heat.
o Add almonds and chicken. Cook for 3 minutes.
o Pour sherry mixture until sauce thickens and add pea pods. Stir fry and glazed.

Ethnic Food Recipes - The Chinese Way

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Feeding Toddlers - Nutritional Tips

When kids reach 2 years of age, it is time to start giving them homogenized whole cow's milk. The toddler should eat most table foods that closely resemble the same types of food that the other family members enjoy. The frequency of eating for a toddler can be broken into multiple small meals per day.

Milk and dairy products should be limited to about 16oz. (2 cups) each day and 100% fruit juice should be limited to about 4-6 oz each day.

Food Techniques

Introduce a variety of foods to encourage good eating habits. Exercise good judgment when a child is making the transition from a bottle to whole foods. Give the toddler manageable pieces of food. Miniaturize most of the foods given so they child is able to pick up the food with their fingers if necessary.

Food plan for a toddler should be selected based on the USDA guidelines. The US Department of Agriculture promotes a healthy eating guideline for children 2 years of age or older.

The food pyramid focuses on the five major food groups. To ensure a good nutritious eating plan, a combination of these food groups is required daily to maintain good health. The basic make up of the 5 food groups include:

1) The Grain group - Servings include 1 slice of bread, 1/2 cup of cooked rice or pasta, 1/2 cup of cooked cereal, and 1 ounce of ready to eat cereal.

*Your child should eat 6 servings from this group.

2) Vegetable group - Servings include 1/2 cup of chopped or raw vegetables, or 1 cup of raw leafy vegetables.

*Your child should eat 3 servings from this group.

3) Fruit group - Servings include 1 piece of fruit or melon wedge, 3/4 cup of 100% fruit juice, 1/2 cup of canned fruit, or 1/4 cup of dried fruit.

*Your child should eat 2 servings from this group.

4) Milk group - Servings include 1 cup of milk, yogurt or 2 ounces of cheese.

*Your child should eat 2 servings from this group.

Toddlers are so active that they may need mini-meals in between their main three meals. These mini-meals can be nutritious snackables. Snackables like apples slices with honey, graham crackers with cheese, or slices of bananas and strawberries in a cup can give toddlers the fuel they need for quick energy.

5) Meat group servings include 2 to 3 ounces of cooked lean meat, poultry or fish, 1/2 cup of cooked dry beans. You can substitute 2 tablespoons of peanut butter or 1 egg for 1 ounce of meat.

*Your child should eat 2 servings from this group.

As children grow older, their appetite may decrease. Sometimes they become "picky" eaters as their growth rate slows. As long as they maintain a healthy weight and have a normal activity level, you have little to worry about.

Your children's daily nutrition is important to their overall health. Proper nutrition can prevent many medical problems, including obesity, developing weak bones, and developing diabetes. Following the USDA guidelines will insure that your toddler grows healthy and strong.

Feeding Toddlers - Nutritional Tips

Friday, December 2, 2011

Easy Party Finger Food Recipes

Finger foods have many advantages when it comes to organizing a party and coming up with the best menu. They look great and are relatively easy to make. In addition, you can have a multitude of finger foods available.

Guests will also enjoy finger foods. While development their selection, habitancy will interact with each other and have fun.

Food Recipe

Making finger foods is far from time-consuming and expensive. You can get very creative with the decorations and you can turn your buffet into a work of art. If you are finding for straightforward and effective finger food recipes, keep on reading.

Deviled Eggs

Deviled eggs look very ornamental and pretty. The good news is that anything can make them and the formula could readily be modified to suit personel needs and the preferences of guests who are staggering to attend the party.

For a singular platter, you will need six hard-boiled eggs, half a cup of mayonnaise, mustard, salt and pepper. Decorations can be made from paprika, parsley, mint or even cherry tomatoes.

To make deviled eggs, cut each one in half and take out the egg yolk. Use a fork to get it crushed. Add the mayonnaise, mustard, salt and pepper. Turn these ingredients into a homogenous mixture.

Take a small estimate of the egg yolk and mayonnaise blend and return it into the egg white half. Decorate as proper and dispose the platter.

Chicken Fingers

Everybody loves chicken fingers. They are nutritional and exceptionally tasty. Here is the formula that you can corollary to make tasty and eye-catching chicken fingers.

Ten servings inquire eight chicken breast halves or the respective quantity of chicken fillets, a small sour cream carton, a tablespoon of soy sauce, two tablespoons of lemon juice, salt, pepper, oil and stuffing mix.

You will first need to cut the chicken meat into very thin stripes. In a cut off bowl you will have to mix the sour cream with the lemon juice, soy sauce and spices. Dip each chicken stripe into it and then roll into the stuffing mix.

Get a pan heated and pour some oil in it. Fry until the chicken finger turns gold in color. An alternative is to get the chicken fingers baked into the over - this alternative is much healthier than frying.

Mini Pizza

The easiest way to make mini pizza is to use pre-made dough or to make the dough yourself in a bread machine, in case you have one. You can also purchase pizza bases, which are already made in the perfect mini pizza forms.

The best aspect of development mini pizzas is that you can elect any kind of topping. You can make vegetarian pizzas with tomato sauce and cheese or you can go for more exotic opportunities - maritime foods, pineapple or primary Italian pizza toppings.

The tomato sauce goes on the mini pizza first and then you add all other ingredients - ham, mushrooms, bacon, cheese, tuna, chicken or anything else you fancy. Oregano is the best herb to use for Italian-style mini pizzas.

Get the oven pre-heated to at least 200 degrees Celsius. The cooking time is 20 to 30 minutes.

Easy Party Finger Food Recipes