The results are in. America and Europe, as well as many other regions of the world, are getting fatter. Recent statistics reveal that as many as 1 in 4 Americans is overweight. That's 25%, an incredible revelation. Not only that, however, out of that 25% up to 50% are clinically obese. And Europe is catching up very quickly. This is very worrying indeed. If you're in one of these two categories and have tried various weight loss methods in the past with limited or no success, and if you are ready and willing to try a weight reduction option that actually works then maybe it is time to consider hypnotherapy for weight loss.
For many years the standard means of losing weight have included diets of all shapes, colours, and flavour, weight loss pills, extreme exercise regimens, and even surgery. The facts, however, reveal that even though these methods work in the short-term, in the long-term most of the lost weight returns and often with more. This is no way to live. It is demotivational and unhealthy. You end up asking yourself why you bothered in the first place.
Food Techniques
This may be why hypnotherapy for weight loss is becoming as popular as it is. Why? Because it works! So, if you are under the impression that you have no other options in your struggle to lose weight and that you've come to the end of the road, then take note. You do! With hypnotherapy for weight loss you can finally lose the weight you want to and, better still, keep it off for good. Now it's time to explain how the power of hypnotism can work for you.
Millions of people throughout the years have sworn by the power of mind over matter. This in essence is how hypnosis works. Your brain is your body's epicentre for controlling thoughts, emotions and desires, thereby making it your strongest ally in fighting weight loss. And by using a technique known as neurolinguistic programming (NLP) along with hypnosis, you too can unlock the power already within you. And once unleashed, you can take control of your eating habits once and for all.
In very simple terms Hypnosis is a process of meditation that allows access to your subconscious mind. You probably already know this, but maybe you've never associated it with weight control. Once your subconscious mind is open to the power of suggestion, you can literally program your resulting conscious behaviour to follow the programming. Yes, it does sound a bit like science fiction but it's true.
Through the power of hypnosis, you can tell yourself what foods you should avoid, how many calories you should eat, and even to exercise more. If lettuce was as tempting as chocolate or walking was as likable as sitting in your favourite armchair, then we would have no need to try and control our mind's thought processes. It takes about 21 days to break a habit normally and this can be a very hard and tortuous task. But, we can do this quicker by using hypnosis to speed up the re-education of our eating habits, because it is our bad habits that we must identify and change.
What you will be doing if you use hypnosis for weight loss will be rather like re-programming the brain for certain responses and reactions. Certain attitudes to food and addictions to some types of food need to be faced. Then they need to be re-assessed in the brain with the result that they shift away from being malignant thoughts and become benign and sensible. Food temptations become resistible. Food cravings become controllable. Eating a healthy diet is no longer a problem; it becomes normal.
Thus, with the brain now looking at food from a different point of view the urge to overeat or to eat the wrong types of food through habit becomes a thing of the past. The internal struggles about what to eat, and when, no longer occur and you start to lose weight. But weight is lost with a feeling of tranquility and not the previous edgy struggle with what was right or wrong for your waistline.
Increased self-esteem and personal pride in yourself are on the near horizon waiting to be enjoyed. Sit back, pour yourself a glass of white wine and enjoy the feeling of satisfaction.
Hypnotherapy For Weight Loss: It Can Work For You
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