Friday, July 20, 2012

How To Do A Colon Cleanse The Proper Way

What is colon cleanse and is it necessary?

Colon cleanse is a method intended to remove feces, nonspecific toxins from the colon and intestinal tract. It may take the form of colon hydrotherapy or oral cleansing regimens such as dietary supplements or laxative "teas.

Food Techniques

Its practice started way back in ancient Greece. In the United States, it became popular in the 1920s and 1930s year. It became less popular for a time. Until recently that it re-surges.

One of the theories behind the procedure is an ancient belief of autointoxication. The undigested meat and other foods cause mucus build up in the colon. This build up produces toxins, which enter the blood's circulation, poisoning the body. Moreover, mucus plugs the colon, hence reducing the absorption of nutrients,water and electrolytes 15 in the colon. The idea of re-absorption of toxin is supported by the fact that some medications are well absorbed suppository into the rectum.

The main goal of colon cleanse is to clear the large intestines of large quantities of stagnant, toxic wastes encrusted in the colon walls. By doing so, ones vitality of the body is greatly improved. In effect, it improves mental outlook, boosts immune system, helps lose weight, and reduces the risk of colon cancer.

Step-by-step guide to doing colon cleanse

Colon cleanse can be done in several ways. One may use tea, enzymes, fiber or colon irrigation. But before doing any, one has to consult a doctor to discuss the hazards and benefits of colon cleanse, especially if one is taking specific prescription drugsfor a medical condition.

If one has not done colon cleanse yet, here are four tips to put in mind prior to the procedure:

Step 1: Preparation. Prior to day 1, start by fasting by means of drinking water or fruit and vegetable juice. Get rid of unhealthy food as well such as cakes, chocolates, black tea, coffee, pasteurized milk.

Step 2: Gathering. Choose and gather all the things necessary for the process.

Step 3: Re-hydrating. It is a must to drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration.

Step 4: Follow up. You should see to it that one should cleanse regularly in order to maintain health as well as the body's system health.

Plan the procedure before starting by:

Step 1: Discuss ones health concerns and symptoms to a doctor if fit to do coloncleanse

Step 2: Decide on the type of colon cleanse to do. A wide array of herbal supplements and healthy foods and drinks that will assist one to achieve ones goals.

Step 3: Set aside a period to do a colon cleanse that will not interfere with ones daily life. The procedure can cause irregular bowel movements, dizziness and nausea, and might disrupt normal routine ones.

Step 4: Save time and prepare ones food in advance.


Step 1: Take the colon product or supplement one has chosen. Follow the directions indicated in the package.

Step 2: Drink plenty of water, at least 7-10 glasses of distilled or purified water everyday while doing the cleanse.

Step3: Take hot showers, or sauna to help increase blood circulation and expel the toxins fromones system.

Step 4: Employ a variety of relaxation techniques such as deep breathing and relaxation exercises to help ones digestive system.

What else one can do to enhance the colon health?

Watch out what one eats. Increase fiber intake can help gastrointestinal problems such as constipation, diverticular disease and colorectal cancer. The typical American consumes 10-15 grams a day, but the required daily intake of fiber is 20-35 grams a day. Add sources such as vegetables, fruits, grains, bran, oatmeal and cereals. Also, drink plenty of water. Avoid alcoholic beverages, red meat and tobacco.

How To Do A Colon Cleanse The Proper Way

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