Saturday, March 31, 2012

Children and Dental Health

Children's dentistry is a priority to ensure a healthy smile for life. Education is a key component of your child's first few appointments-correct brushing and flossing techniques are taught so that they develop an oral health routine throughout their life. Often a morning appointment is ideal so your child is not tired and we are able to explain the procedures in a way they will understand and make them feel comfortable.

It is important for young children to start visiting a dental team on a regular basis; from around two years of age. The majority of dentists are dedicated to making your child's appointment a fun experience, so that they become enthusiastic about attending future appointments to ensure that they keep a healthy smile for life. This article details some ofthe most frequently asked questions about children's dentistry.

Frequently asked questions about children's dentistry:

Food Techniques

1. Are baby teeth important?

Yes, they guide the adult teeth into the correct position.

2. When do the first adult teeth come through?

Between 5.5-6.5 years the lower central incisors as through first.

3. What factors can affect the alignment of the adult teeth?

a. Thumb sucking or object beyond three years of age.

b. Mouth breathing due to allergies, asthma and chronic as tonsillitis and upper respiratory tract and/or infections (most common in children that snore).

c. Retained infantile swallow (tongue thrust that sometimes presents as a lisp).

4. Is a little bit of sugar OK?

It depends on the timing,snacking on refined sugars promotes ' snacking habits ' energy peaks and troughs, and constant sugar/acid attack on teeth. A suggestion is to try and ' bundle ' sugar treats in with other foods at mealtimes to reduce the acid attack.

5. Is fruit juice OK for my children to drink?

Watered-down natural fruit juice is okay in small quantities. Just remember that it is acidic and does contain a lot of sugar (less than fruit concentrates).

6. When can my child brush their own teeth unaided?

Most pediatric dentists advise that children should be supervised and assisted (by an adult) with brushing and flossing until they can tie their own shoe laces (a measure of adequate dexterity).

Dental Visits

It is important for young children to start visiting the dentiston a regular basis; from around age 2. The majority of dentists will use these appointments to begin educating your child on the correct brushing and flossing techniques because they understand that an early start will assist your child to develop an oral health routine for life.

Some of the dental health issues that will be discussed will include:

Fissure sealants to protect teeth from decay Mouthguards to protect teeth from trauma during contact sports Dietary advice to keep sugar intake low Brushing and flossing tips, easy for children to understand and implement Fluoride treatments Early diagnosis and ongoing care Orthodontics (8-12 years, 13-18 years Adolescent) Pacifier, Thumb sucking habits Tongue Thrust and lisping habits Snoring and Blocked nasalpassages

On the whole, dentists are dedicated to making your child's appointment a fun experience so they become enthusiastic about attending future appointments so they can keep their smile healthy for life. Make sure you choose a dentist who specialises in childrens dentistry to ensure your child has the best experience possible.

Children and Dental Health

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